Agenda item

Draft Planning Brief for the Temple District, South Bank, Leeds.

To consider a report by the Chief Planning Officer which invites Members of the City Plans Panel to comment on the draft Temple District Planning Brief as part of the consultation process.



(Report attached)


Members considered a report by the Chief Planning Officer which invited Panel to comment on the draft Temple District Planning Brief as part of the consultation process.


Site photographs and plans were displayed and referred to throughout the discussion of the application.


The lead Policy Officer addressed the Panel, speaking in detail about the proposal and highlighted the following themes within the Draft Planning Brief:


·  Development principles: Strategic principles

·  Climate ready and nature friendly approach to placemaking

·  Green space, Public realm and Open space

·  Green and blue infrastructure

·  Biodiversity

·  Drainage and flood risk

·  Sustainable design

·  Connectivity and permeability

·  Connectivity and communities

·  Uses and ground conditions

·  Heritage

·  Scale and massing

·  Design and character

·  Delivery

·  Guidance for beyond Temple District boundary

·  Consultation and engagement

·  Next steps


Members raised the following issues


·  Would the plan provide detailed guidance on the mix of different uses

·  How is this Planning Brief different to current policies, would it define the council’s expectations and what development would be acceptable in this area

·  There would be a need to build in inclusivity but there were no details on the nature of affordable housing

·  How binding is the brief intended to be? What is the level of planning weight to be given to it?

·  That the Planning Brief has a strong heritage focus was welcomed; there has been a long aspiration to have a walking route through this area (bottom of Beeston Road into the City Centre)


In responding to the issues raised, Officers said:


·  Members were informed that the Site Allocation Plan (SAP) allocates use of land across the city, including in this area, and the SAP encouraged a mixture of uses in the area and that the details of mixed use schemes would be determined through the receipt of planning applications

·  The Planning Brief does not alter allocations in the SAP and the SAP would expect to be followed

·  Members were informed that a lot of interlocking policies were contained within the development plan for this area. The Planning Brief does not in any way look to ‘water down’ policies within the development plan, but brings them together in one comprehensive place for this area of the city.  This Planning Brief provides an opportunity to focus and clarify that guidance and provides a stepping stone for shaping future development

·  It was suggested that the future development of a Masterplan would steer potential developers as to what was expected/ required. There would be a need to reflect on any comments received during the consultation

·  Inclusive development and matters such as affordable housing would be delivered through the current adopted policies including those for affordable housing

·  Members were informed that the Planning Brief was based on existing policies and would serve as further detailed guidance for developers. It would be a material planning consideration.

·  The Planning Brief does not create new policy, but is grounded in existing policy.  Once approved, it had weight as a form of guidance (distinct from policy), but it remains with Members to determine the weight to be attributed to the Planning Brief in their decision-making

·  Members were informed that the brief wanted to support opportunities for improving pedestrian connectivity and the quality of the pedestrian environment, including connections to the south


In offering comments, Members noted the following:


·  Members welcomed the concept of the Planning Brief commenting that it was important to see an overall planning framework/masterplan for this part of the city.

·  Members appreciated the amount of work that had gone into all stages of the process in developing, writing and consulting on the Planning Brief

·  Some anxiety was expressed about the weight to be attached to the guidance and the ability to require developer compliance with the guidance 

·  Members were concerned that a Planning Brief does not have “teeth” when compared to adopted policy


The Chair thanked Members and officers for their participation and contributions


RESOLVED – To note that, once approved, the draft Temple District Planning Brief would be presented at a future City Plans Panel as an informative note.


Supporting documents: