To consider a third report from the Chief Digital Information Officer on the Council’s Digital Information Services. Focussing on issues raised at previous scrutiny board consultative meetings in June and July specifically on digital skills both amongst the Council workforce and Leeds residents.
The report of the Chief Digital Information Officer expanded on the overall vision and plans reported at the Scrutiny Board, Strategy and Resources at the June and July meetings.
In attendance for this item were:
· Councillor Debra Coupar – Executive Member for Resources
· Neil Evans – Director of Resources
· Jason Tutin – Digital and Learning Development Manager
· Bev Fisher – Deputy Head Integrated Digital Services
Members were advised that this was the third report and provided further details on the following:
· Citizen digital skills
· Council staff digital leadership and skills
· Service desk calls and performance improvement
The presenting officers informed the Board of the following points:
· One of the Councils priorities is to ensure that everyone in the city has access to digital inclusion. It was recognised that this would have financial implications in respect of delivering savings by providing skills that could potentially reduce the volume of contacts with the Council.
· Need to build skills within the Council’s workforce. It was acknowledged that when services are designed, they should be designed around a user perspective. IDS have signed up to the Government Digital Standards, which looks to provide appropriate training. IDS are also looking at agile working methods, that involves clear understanding of roles and working collaboratively with the business and citizens within short two-week periods known as ‘sprints’. IDS are currently looking at training for this collaborative style of working.
· In terms of skills for staff IDS are looking at more training around the Government Digital Standards, on the role of agile, online training through Bubo and Union Learn which provides skills for life not just for working for the Council. It was recognised that technology is constantly changing and that this will become the ‘business norm’.
· The service desk has had significant challenges over the last eighteen months in meeting service targets. This had been a combination of capacity of people to answer the phones, and the number of people who have left the organisation. It was acknowledged that during Covid calls had increased, but there had also been the implementation of a number of changes which had also generated more calls. The Leadership Team have put in place several actions to address the issue, including recruitment, improved technology that the service could use and also looking at how calls are responded to and recorded.
Responding to questions from Members, the Board were informed of the following points:
· Pre pandemic there were motivation barriers to digital inclusion. Covid showed that there was a need to use technology. It was recognised that there were still issues in getting digital inclusion for all. The IDS team are working with other organisations to bring a voice to those who have no digital access and how to improve the service.
· It was noted that more up to date performance information could be provided to Board Members.
· The Service appreciated that it had been frustrating for all those using the service desk over the last eighteen months, but they were sure that they would be able to provide a good service once they were back at full capacity, and that the use of web chats and automated services, such as ‘bots’, would improve service to customers.
· Discussions were ongoing in relation to the removal of the drop-in centre in Civic Hall to Apex and whether this would be reinstated.
· The performance information is provided in a standard format, linked to industry standards, and it has been reviewed previously.
· It was noted that IDS were working with a number of partner organisations including neighbourhood networks and social prescribing teams. It was recognised that face to face contact as well as digital inclusion were both important. Members were of the view that there was a need for the services to be integrated and joined together.
· The Library Service have been a part of the service including face to face and providing access to digital services. They were able to provide assistance with digital skills and offer a lending scheme for equipment to residents.
a) Note the existing actions underway around Citizen digital skills through the 100% Digital Leeds programme and that work is already underway on this through the Infrastructure, Investment and Inclusive Growth Scrutiny Board
b) Note the need for and proposed actions around increasing digital skills of our staff and leaders
c) Note the Service Desk performance and improvement action plan.
Cllr Flynn joined the meeting at 11:57 during discussions on this item.
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