Agenda item

Application 20/08124/OT - Oldfield Lane, Wortley

To receive and consider the attached report of the Chief Planning Officer regarding an outline application for housing development including adopted highway access and associated external works.



The report of the Chief Planning Officer presented an outline application for housing development including adopted highway access and associated external works at Oldfield Lane, Wortley.


Site plans and photographs were displayed and referred to during the discussion of the application and there had been a visit to the site for Members of the Panel prior to the meeting.


The following was highlighted:


·  A previous permission in relation to this application at this site had been subject to a legal challenge which was quashed.  Members were advised that no regard should be given to that previous decision and that consideration should only be given to the information in the report, presentation and any representations made at the meeting.

·  The outline application was for the principle of development and access to the site with all other matters reserved for a future application.

·  Leeds City Council was the applicant and there would be the development of 100% council housing on the site.

·  The Site Allocation Plan allocated the site for housing and required on site greenspace to link up with the existing greenspace to the north of the site.

·  Conditions relating to accessible homes, environment policy, housing mix and space standards would be imposed if permission was granted.

·  There had not been any concerns regarding access from Highways.

·  Sport England had objected due to the loss of playing fields. 

·  There had been objections from Ward Members regarding the amount of greenspace in the ward, school capacity, the need for highway improvements and concerns regarding anti-social behaviour near footpaths to the site.

·  There had been concern raised regarding the Playing Pitch Strategy, however this strategy was  not  formally adopted.

·  The application was recommended for approval subject to conditions and notification to the Secretary of State.


A local resident addressed the Panel with objections to the application.  These included the following:


·  There was an ongoing judicial review regarding the application for Asset of Community Value

·  Sport England’s representations could not be ignored.  There was evidence of community use of the site dating back to 1850.

·  There was a community led bid being arranged to purchase the land.

·  There was a lack of policy in the Council relating to playing fields.

·  There was a deficiency of open greenspace and playing fields in Wortley and surrounding areas.


Members were advised that the position regarding the ongoing judicial review was  fully covered within the report .  The High Court  would be considering the issue later in the year. This did not change the view of planning officers.


In response to questions from the Panel, the objector highlighted the following:


·  According to the Council there was a deficiency of greenspace in the area.  The land could not prove to be surplus to requirements without a playing pitch policy.

·  The community group have a business plan was in place and sources of funding were available.

·  There were other nearby locations where sustainable housing could be built.

·  There was an offer from amateur sports clubs to use the pitches.

·  It was hoped to retain the netball courts.  There was a lack of similar provision elsewhere.


A representative of the applicant addressed the Panel.  The following was highlighted:


·  The site was allocated for housing in the Site Allocation Plan.  The scheme addressed all requirements of this including greenspace provision and access.

·  The Council House Growth Program would provide energy efficient and policy compliant properties which supported the Council’s climate change aspirations.

·  There was high demand in the area for good quality affordable housing with over 500 families on the waiting list.

·  There were no other council owned sites within the Ward where a similar scheme could be delivered.

·  There had been pre-planning consultation and over 800 households had been contacted.

·  There would be improvements to greenspace and access.  There would also be a commuted sum paid to contribute to greenspace and sports facilities.

In response to questions from the Panel, the following was highlighted:

o  The delivery of onsite greenspace was in accordance with policy.  There would be additional off-site provision.  The onsite greenspace would not be in the current form of football pitches and the commuted sum would be used to enhance sports facilities nearby.

o  Greenspace enhancements would be detailed in the reserved matters application.

o  Alternative energy sources were being investigated.  The carbon footprint was expected to be 62% lower than current building regulation requirements.


In response to questions and comments from the Panel, the following was discussed:


·  The proposal was for 100% affordable housing on site.

·  Conditions could be included at the reserved matters stage for off-site greenspace provision.

·  Members were informed of the process for the Site Allocation Plan prior to its adoption.  This site had been considered as suitable and appropriate for the delivery of housing subject to the site requirements that there was on site greenspace, a green link to Oldfield Road and that existing sports facilities be replaced/improved.

·  Reference was made to the Open Space, Sports and Recreation Assessment which was considered when allocating sites for housing.

·  The Secretary of State had to be notified of the decision as an objection had been made by a statutory consultee.  The Secretary of State could then ‘call in’ the decision for further consideration by an inspector.

·  The provision of off-site funds would be used to enhance and improve sports facilities elsewhere in the area.

·  Due to the size of the site, it was considered appropriate that there was only one access as it was not felt that the proposed development would generate a high impact on the highways network.  It was further noted that there was a potential second access on the indicative plan.

·  The application was for a maximum of 61 properties and the likelihood was that this total would reduce in order to meet all policy requirements.

·  It was felt that the potential access at Malmesbury Place would not be sufficient due to space.

·  The site was used for and marked out for football and there was some concern about the potential loss of this even though it would provide much needed affordable housing.

·  Concern that the use of commuted sums to enhance offsite facilities would result in a net loss of greenspace.

·  Concern regarding the lack of greenspace within the ward.

·  Concern regarding the cost of the land before any development could begin.


RESOLVED – That subject to notification to the Secretary of State the application be deferred and delegated to the Chief Planning Officer for approval subject to the specified conditions outlined in the report (and any others which he might consider appropriate)



Supporting documents: