Agenda item

Application 20/04192/FU - Land off Amberley Road, Upper Wortley, Leeds, LS12 4BD

To receive and consider the attached report of the Chief Planning Officer regarding an application for the variation of condition 2 (approved plans) of approval 17/00100/FU: To remove container units in southern position of the site.



The report of the Chief Planning Officer presented an application for the variation of condition 2 (approved plans) of approval; 17/00100/FU: to remove container units from western boundary and include double stacked container units in southern portion of the site at land off Amberley Road, Upper Wortley, Leeds.


Site plans and photographs were displayed and referred to during the discussion of the application and there had been a visit to the site for Members of the Panel prior to the meeting.


The following was highlighted:


·  The application had previously been considered by Panel when it was deferred until Members could visit the site.

·  The application had been brought to Panel at the request of Ward Members.

·  Housing situated to the west of the site was in an elevated position.

·  Permission had been granted in 2017 for the use of storage containers at the site.

·  There had been a breach in the permitted hours of use and there had been complaints regarding noise nuisance outside the permitted hours.

·  There had also been a breach with regards to landscaping which this application aimed to resolve.

·  It was proposed to increase the number of storage units on site.  Plans showing the proposed lay out of the site were displayed.

·  There would be conditions relating to the landscaping scheme to include heavy standard trees on the western boundary and also to have a management plan for the site.

·  It was not envisaged there would be an increase in noise impact from the site.

·  There had been objections from local residents and Ward Members.

·  The application was recommended for approval.


In response to Members comments and questions, the following was discussed:


·  There had been recent compliance with the hours of use at the site but not with the previously approved site plan and landscaping.

·  There was no permission to use the site for external storage of vehicles.  There would not be space to do this due to the intensification of the storage units.  There could be a condition to prevent external storage of goods on the site.

·  There would be a condition to ensure  customers were directed to use the Chelsea Close entrance to the site.

·  The applicant confirmed that there would not be any external storage of vehicles should the application be approved.  They would keep the container storage as single storey at the first stage and then move to double stacking as demand arises.

·  The site appeared to be well managed and organised when the site visit was held.

·  It was suggested that the following conditions be applied:

o  That there should be no external storage.

o  That some semi-standard trees be planted along the western boundary and that there is a maintenance agreement for the landscaping plan.

o  Removal of the containers that are positioned in front of the office block.

·  The applicant confirmed that he would be willing to carry out additional planting on the boundaries.

·  Members were supportive of additional conditions regarding landscaping.

·  There was some concern as to whether the applicant would comply with any conditions.

·  There would only be a very low impact on residents due to vehicle movement at the site.


A motion was made for the application to be deferred and delegated to the Chief Planning Officer for approval along with additional conditions as discussed.  This was seconded and voted upon.


RESOLVED – That the application be deferred and delegated to the Chief Planning Officer for approval, subject to the conditions outlined in the report and the following conditions:


·  Maximum numbers of single and double stacked storage units to be agreed.

·  Removal of containers adjacent to office block and replacement with planting of a heavy standard tree.

·  Additional boundary planting.

·  No external storage on site.



Supporting documents: