To receive a report from the Head of Democratic Services which presents information relating to the adult inpatient stroke rehabilitation ward move and also the status and development of a vision for stroke services in Leeds.
The Head of Democratic Services submitted a report which presented a joint briefing paper from NHS Leeds Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG), Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust (LTHT) and Leeds Community Healthcare NHS Trust on the adult inpatient stroke rehabilitation ward move and also the status and development of a vision for stroke services in Leeds.
The following were in attendance:
- Councillor Fiona Venner, Executive Member for Adult and Children’s Social Care and Health Partnerships
- Councillor Salma Arif, Executive Member for Public Health and Active Lifestyles
- Cath Roff, Director of Adults and Health
- Victoria Eaton, Director of Public Health
- Lindsay Springall, Head of Pathway Integration – Long Term Conditions, NHS Leeds CCG
- Dr Bryan Power, Long Term Conditions Clinical Lead, NHS Leeds CCG
- Alistair Bailey, Clinical Lead and Nurse for Stroke Services, LTHT
- Helen Knight, Clinical Head of Service for Neurology & Adult Speech and Language Therapy, Leeds Community Healthcare NHS Trust
- Steve Wilson, Clinical Director for Neurosciences, LTHT
- Claire Graham, Leeds Voices
- Kirsten Wilson, Head of Insights, Communications and Involvement, NHS Leeds CCG
The Clinical Lead and Nurse for Stroke Services, LTHT, introduced the report and advised that since the agenda was published there has been a further delay to the movement of the inpatient stroke rehabilitation ward to Chapel Allerton linked to the new consultant appointment not yet being in post. It was highlighted that patients have been notified and the Trust is in the process of setting a new move date in consultation with the Yorkshire Ambulance Service and will notify the Scrutiny Board once confirmed. Members were advised that while this delay is disappointing, staff have been able to utilise this time to look at a coordinated solution to increase bed capacity across the service. The Long-Term Conditions Clinical Lead, NHS Leeds CCG, also provided an update on the timeline for development of the broader strategic vision for Stroke Services, which included the intention to publish a first draft of the Stroke Vision by April 2022.
Members discussed a number of matters, including:
· Quality of Stroke Services at Chapel Allerton Hospital. Members noted that although there is expected to be an increase in bed capacity in LGI, there will be a decrease in bed capacity on the Chapel Allerton site. Representatives advised that the increased overall capacity will support the integrated pathway throughout the system from initial care to rehabilitation. Related to this, Members queried the increase of specialist support at the Chapel Allerton site. It was confirmed that the rehabilitation staffing model at Chapel Allerton Hospital remains the same, however, the quality of the facilities is much improved.
· Patient input for video. Members welcomed the approach of using a video to give a visual representation of what the Chapel Allerton Hospital was like to help alleviate the ‘unknown’. Linked to this, it was suggested that the video also includes input from patients who have experienced the service pathway, to alleviate the worries of new patients.
· Working collectively to develop a vision for stroke services. Members acknowledged that the vision for stroke services forms a joint ambition with Leeds City Council as prevention and social care, equipment and adaptation services are recognised vital elements. While Members queried the level of resource available in view of decreased funding for adult social care, Members were advised that the strategic plan to improve integrated pathways is beneficial to resources across all organisations. It was noted that the vision will also involve development with the Stroke Association and other third sector organisations.
· National shortage of radiologists. In response to a query, Members were advised that health partners are considering network models of service delivery for specific radiology needs for stroke care with neighbouring hospitals in the Yorkshire region as well as training opportunities for current staff.
· Improving thrombectomy access. Members discussed the successful approach of patients being treated with Mechanical Thrombectomy. While acknowledging the lack of specialist staff across the UK in delivering this particular treatment, it was noted that a key priority of LTHT is to continue to improve access to thrombectomy.
· Discharge from services. Members queried the timeliness of involvement of primary care beyond stroke service unit discharge and were advised that the single Leeds Care Record allows all health professionals to access all relevant information relating to an individual case immediately and continue with their care.
· Campaigns to raise awareness. Members suggested a number of national campaigns for raising awareness of the signs and symptoms of stroke that could be utilised at a Leeds level. Members were advised that the communications and engagement team at Leeds CCG work closely with the national agenda for local campaigns and will continue to work with other services to raise awareness, including related conditions and lifestyle risks, in an accessible format for all communities of Leeds.
· Performance data. Members recognised the reliability limitations of the SSNAP performance data collection and were advised, in response to a query, that other options and enhancements are being considered to understand the experiences of patients who use services in Leeds.
(a) That the contents of the report, along with Members comments, be noted.
(b) That the first draft of the Stroke Vision is shared with the Scrutiny Board once available.
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