To receive a report from the Head of Democratic Services which presents information on the Leeds Long Covid Community Service model, the demand, activity and performance of the service and detail of the health inequalities evident from data analysis.
The Head of Democratic Services submitted a report which presented information on the Leeds Long Covid Community Service model, the demand, activity and performance of the service and detail of the health inequalities evident from data analysis.
The following were in attendance:
- Councillor Fiona Venner, Executive Member for Adult and Children’s Social Care and Health Partnerships
- Councillor Salma Arif, Executive Member for Public Health and Active Lifestyles
- Cath Roff, Director of Adults and Health
- Victoria Eaton, Director of Public Health
- Helen Lewis, Director of Pathway Integration, NHS Leeds CCG
- Jenny Davison, Clinical Pathway Coordinator Leeds Long Covid Pathway, Leeds Community Healthcare NHS Trust
- Carl Mackie, Head of Public Health – Long Term Conditions, Leeds City Council
- Lisa Hollingworth, Pathway Integration Leader, NHS Leeds CCG
- Lindsay Springall, Head of Pathway Integration – Long Term Conditions, NHS Leeds CCG
- Kirsten Wilson, Head of Insights, Communications and Involvement, NHS Leeds CCG
The Pathway Integration Leader introduced the report providing an overview of the condition and the support available in Leeds. It was also highlighted that the team have been awarded the British Medical Journal award for clinical leadership of the year, the Medipex award for management of long term conditions and a clinical booklet with advice and guidance developed in Leeds which has been adopted by the World Health Organisation. Leeds has also been successful in securing a £3.4m research grant to identify the best way to treat and support Long Covid.
Members discussed a number of matters, including:
· Referral and identification process. In response to a query, Members were advised that referrals to the service can be made by GPs or the respiratory team following Covid-19 treatment. This is due to similarities between ‘Long Covid’ and other conditions.
· Learning disabilities. Members noted the challenge in identifying Long Covid in people with learning difficulties that limit their ability to communicate, and queried the steps taken to ensure that work is taking place to reach this group. Members were advised that the team have been working closely with the learning disability service and have created a lower threshold for point of referral.
· Raising awareness. Noting the high number of referrals within some of the most affluent areas in the city, Members commented that more needs to be done to reach the most deprived communities in Leeds. Members also suggested that the team utilise community and faith groups as part of their communication strategy. Members recognised the importance of key messaging advising that mild cases of Covid-19 can still result in Long-Covid.
· Presentation of data for cases by Index of Multiple Deprivation (IMD) deciles. It was explained that a wider range between lower and upper confidence intervals represents a less accurate estimation. Members requested that future reports include clear explanations of data and abbreviations.
· Low prevalence amongst 65 plus group. Members noted the low referrals to the service for the elderly population of Leeds and were advised that this may be due to the lower survival rate in the initial stages of illness and the likelihood for older people to seek support through their existing services and networks.
a) That the contents of the report, along with Members comments, be noted.
b) That a further update is provided to the Scrutiny Board within the next 12 months.
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