Agenda item

Update on the HMO, PBSA and Co-Living Amenity Standards SPD

The report of the Chief Planning Officer provides an update on the progress of the draft Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMO), Purpose-Built Student Accommodation (PBSA) and Co-Living Amenity Standards Supplementary Planning Document (SPD). The report also provides an overview of the consultation, highlights a number of key issues for consideration and seeks the views of Development Plan Panel on a proposed route forward.


(Report and Appendix attached)



The report of the Chief Planning Officer provided the Panel with an update on the progress of the draft Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMO), Purpose-Built Student Accommodation (PBSA) and Co-Living Amenity Standards Supplementary Planning Document (SPD). The report also set out the proposed timetable for progressing the draft SPD to adoption.


Appendix 1 included a summary of the representations made during the consultation period as well as the Council’s initial response and proposed actions in response to the comments received.


The Senior Planner presented the report, and provided a general overview of the range of responses received (65 reps received, providing 500 individual comments relating to the draft SPD) from the 6-week consultation, including work undertaken in relation to continued informal engagement with the landlord sector on concerns relating to the status of the SPD and its relationship to other Council workstreams. It was noted that a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) document will be published alongside the draft SPD and will address a number of concerns not directly related to the content of the draft SPD.


Members heard that a wider “Student Housing” working group convened by Unipol Housing will take place in November / December 2021, to discuss issues relating to the student housing sector.


It was also noted that co-living schemes are emerging in Leeds, and there is a need for further clarity relating to the strategic policy context, therefore it is proposed that the co-living section of the draft SPD will be removed. The Council are advocating for a similar approach used for PBSA; emerging co-living schemes will present an opportunity to establish a Leeds methodology.


It was confirmed that a revised “Pre-Adoption” draft SPD will be presented to DPP in January 2022, for endorsement for a further 4 weeks of publicity in January / February 2022. It was noted that the anticipated adoption date for the SPD remains unchanged and is expected July 2022.


A member emphasised the importance of ensuring there are representatives present at the Student Housing working group, from Student Unions. Officers confirmed that efforts will be made to seek those representatives, and feedback from the working group will be reported at the DPP meeting in January 2022.


Members collectively shared their concerns regarding emerging co-living schemes, in terms of space standards and there being no policy set nationally to set a baseline for such proposals and how Leeds will determine proposals under existing policies. Members queried the difference between co-living accommodation and HMOs, and further raised concerns regarding amenity space and the impact on mental health.


Officers outlined the process in terms of determining emerging planning applications, and confirmed that there will be a co-living member workshop on the 2nd December that will provide members with the opportunity to discuss their concerns in more depth, and an invitation will be extended more widely to all Plans Panel Members.


RESOLVED – To note:

a)  the contents of the report and the progress on the SPD, together with comments raised by Members during discussion of this item.

b)  the continued work with key stakeholders to remedy concerns raised before further consultation takes place on the draft SPD.

c)  that the co-living section of the SPD will be removed.

d)  that the revised draft SPD will be presented to DPP in January 2022, before Pre-Adoption Publicity takes place in January/February 2022.

e)  the intention for all DPP members to receive an invitation to attend the Co-Living Workshop.


(Councillor H Hayden left the meeting at 15.48)


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