The report of the Head of Locality Partnerships provides the Community Committee with an update on the budget position for the Wellbeing Fund, Youth Activity Fund, Capital Budget, as well as the Community Infrastructure Levy Budget for 2021/22.
(Report attached)
The report of the Head of Locality Partnerships provided the Community Committee with an update on the budget position for the Wellbeing Fund, Youth Activity Fund, Capital Budget, as well as the Community Infrastructure Levy Budget for 2021/22.
Members were informed of the following points:
· The remaining balance of the Wellbeing Budget is currently £110,309.41. A full breakdown of the projects was listed at Table 1.
· Members were requested to consider the following projects:
o Increase to Community Engagement Budget – £250 was requested by Leeds City Council, Communities Team, it was noted that the money was used to cover meeting rooms. Members requested that teas and coffees be provided. £250 approved from Wellbeing fund to Communities Team
o Upgrade to the facilities requested by Arthington Village Hall – Amount requested was £7,000. Members noted that this had been delayed for 4 months. In considering this application Cllr B Anderson put forward a proposal to fund £6,000 with the aim that the HAP could potentially be able to support the project with the other £1,000. Following this, the Chair then put the amended proposal for the provision of £6,000 Wellbeing funding to the vote and this was carried. As such, it was resolved that £6,000 be allocated to Arthington Village Hall. It was requested that it be noted Cllr Flynn voted that the application should receive the full amount requested, as it was his view that £6,000 was not enough to support the project. It was noted that the Chair put the vote to all Members of the Community Committee. However only the Adel and Wharfedale Members took part in the vote with the other Members abstaining.
o Horsforth TRO – Leeds City Council, Highways and Transportation requested £5,000. The amount of £5,000 was approved from the Wellbeing fund.
o Horsforth Improved footway provision – Leeds City Council, Highways and Transportation requested £6,000 for overlaying. £6,000 was approved from the Wellbeing fund
o Newlaithes Playground – Leeds City Council, Parks and Countryside requested £6,484.66. This was not approved as Members were advised that funding had been found from elsewhere.
o Otley and Yeadon CCTV – Leeds City Council, Leedswatch requested £8,000. This was deferred for further information. It was noted that a meeting was to be arranged with the Otley and Yeadon Ward Members and Leedswatch to discuss the 8 cameras.
o Horsforth CCTV – Leeds City Council, Leedswatch requested £2,000. This was deferred for further information. It was noted that a meeting was to be arranged with Horsforth Ward Members and Leedswatch to discuss the 2 cameras.
o Yeadon Christmas Lights – The New Yeadon Christmas Lights Committee requested £2,000. Members approved £2,000 from Wellbeing fund.
o Provision of new equipment at parish playground – Pool-in-Wharfedale requested £6,000. Members approved £6,000 from Wellbeing fund.
o Do not park on the grass verge signs – City Signs, Leeds City Council requested £620. £620 was approved from Wellbeing fund.
o Adel and Wharfedale SID’s – Leeds City Council, Highways and Transportation requested £17,500. In considering this application, Cllr Flynn advised the Committee that he had not had sufficient time to consider the detail of this application as he had not received the details until the Thursday prior to the meeting and as such, proposed that it be deferred. Following this the Chair put the proposal to defer the matter to the vote, but this was not carried. Subsequently, the Chair put the substantive proposal for the provision of £17,500 Wellbeing funding to the vote and this was carried. As such, it was resolved that £17,500 be allocated to Leeds City Council, Highways and Transportation service. It was noted that the Chair put the vote to all the Members of the Community Committee. However only the Adel and Wharfedale Members took part on the vote with other Members abstaining.
· Members were advised that since the last meeting on 20th September 2021 the following projects had been considered and approved by DDN:
o Horsforth Junior Park Run - £3,500 (YAF Budget)
o Unity Day - £850 (YAF Budget)
o West Leeds Activity Centre - £6,800 (YAF Budget)
o Guiseley and Rawdon Christmas Lights 2021 - £2,863 (Wellbeing Budget)
o Guiseley and Rawdon Christmas Trees - £1,357.34 (Wellbeing Budget)
· The remaining balance for the Youth Activity Fund (YAF) is currently £33,421.19. Table 2 within the report provided a breakdown of projects funded.
· Small Grants and Skips Budget currently has a remaining balance of £4,157.35. Allocations were broken down by ward and summarised in Table 3 of the submitted report.
· As a result of new injections, the Capital Budget currently has £51,373 available to spend. This information was shown by ward in Table 4.
· The Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Budget currently has £155,074.13 available to spend this was detailed by ward in Table 5. Members discussed the CIL Budget at length. They raised concerns about how and when information in relation to CIL money was provided to the Community Committee and how it was distributed and spent within the Parish and Town Councils. They wished to have information brought to the Committee so that they were aware of projects funded through CIL by the Parish and Town Councils, so as to avoid duplication and enable them to promote the projects. Members were advised that the funding criteria was broad but that it should help fund activity which helps infrastructure. It was noted that there is an Annual Report produced and shared with the Community Committees. The report was shared in November 2020. It was noted that Localities Officers would check with Planning Colleagues to see if the report could be brought to Community Committees on a more regular basis.
a) Details of the Wellbeing Budget position be noted
b) That the Wellbeing proposals submitted to the Committee for consideration and determination be approved, or otherwise, as detailed above.
c) Details of the projects approved via Delegated Decision be noted
d) Monitoring information of its funded projects be noted
e) Details of the Youth Activities Fund (YAF) position be noted
f) Details of the Small Grants and Skips Budget be noted
g) Details of the Capital Budget be noted
h) Details of the Community Infrastructure Levy Budget be noted
Cllr Flynn left the meeting at 14:35 at the end of this item.
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