To receive the submitted report of the Chief Officer Elections and Regulatory which advises the Licensing Sub-Committee Members of an application made under section 34 of the Licensing Act 2003 ("the Act") to vary a premises licence in respect of Mr T’s Leeds Limited 90 Burley Road, Burley, Leeds, LS3 1JP.
The report of the Chief Officer Elections and Regulatory requested the Licensing Sub-Committee’s consideration of an application to vary a premises licence, made by Mr T’s Leeds Limited, for Mr T’s Leeds Limited 90 Burley Road, Burley, LS3 1JP.
In summary, the application sought a variation to the current activities on the licence as follows:
o Performance of recorded music, Everyday 11:00 – 03:30
o Late night refreshment, Everyday 23:00 – 03:30
It was noted that following an agreement being reached with the Environmental Health, part of the application to vary hours for performance of recorded music was removed. Therefore, the applicant only seeks a variation to the hours for the provision of late night refreshment.
The application attracted representations from responsible authorities, Environmental Health and West Yorkshire Police. Agreements were reached with the applicant and both responsible authorities, and copies of those agreements can be found at Appendix D and E of the submitted report.
The application also attracted one individual letter of objection from a member of the public on the grounds of public nuisance.
Rashid Moghul (363 Architecture) attended on behalf of the applicant and addressed the Sub-Committee. The representative explained that Burley Road is busy and has many food outlets along the road. Mr T’s Limited have proactively encouraged additional bin collections and street cleansing to ensure litter from the premises is removed from surrounding areas. Mr T’s Limited has had meetings with residents’ groups and ward members regarding litter and have been working with them on mechanisms to target problematic areas.
The representative confirmed that the playing of recorded music will generally be cut off by 11 pm, and there is a different clientele throughout the day with patrons typically eating either inside the premises or taking the food back to their property. The representative explained that there isn’t usually any noise or issues with litter in the morning, and during the day the applicant will work to address residents’ issues. The representative welcomed any additional measures from the Sub-Committee and explained Mr T’s Limited is seeking to capture the early morning market.
In response to questions from Sub-Committee Members, the representative confirmed that the application to vary the hours for recorded music has been removed and will be switched off at 1 am and although the supplementary information states that recorded music will be switched off at 23:00, the 1 am closing time provided the applicant with some lenience for special occasions; such events are not that frequent. The representative explained that patrons attending events will be provided with a buffer time, to ensure recorded music is switched off by 1 am, and the variation of hours for late night refreshment intended to capture a different market. Responding to a query regarding the existing application for recorded music and noise concerns, it was confirmed that no complaints have been received regarding the premises in the past.
RESOLVED – To approve the application as amended by the applicant:
a) Vary the hours relating to late night refreshment, Everyday 11:00 until 3:30 am
b) Remove part of the application relating to varying the hours for recorded music
(The meeting concluded at 10.56)
Supporting documents: