Agenda item

PREAPP/20/00478 - Pre-application presentation for proposed mixed-use scheme comprising two student residential accommodation buildings and a multi-use event building on the site of Yorkshire Bank, Merrion Way and land fronting Clay Pit Lane, Leeds, LS2 8NZ

To consider a report by the Chief Planning Officer which sets out details of a pre-application presentation for proposed mixed-use scheme comprising two student residential accommodation buildings and a multi-use event building on the site of Yorkshire Bank, Merrion Way and land fronting Clay Pit Lane, Leeds, LS2 8NZ




(Report attached)



With reference to the meeting of 2nd September 2021 when Members received a pre-application presentation for a proposed mixed-use scheme on the site of Yorkshire Bank, Merrion Way and land fronting Clay Pit Lane, Leeds LS2 8NZ.


In the discussion that followed Members raised the following concerns at the 2nd September 2021 meeting


·  Members considered the loss of office accommodation and proposed use of the sites for a multi-use events’ building and student accommodation was acceptable in principle. The amount and density of student accommodation in the area was highlighted as a concern.


·  Members did not support the proposed scale and form of Block A and had concerns about the appearance of Block B. Further design details about the multi-use event building were required


·  Members did not support the approach to green space and landscaping around the development, particularly the loss of trees



The Chief Planning Officer submitted a further report which set out detail of a

revised mixed-use scheme comprising two student residential accommodation buildings and a multi-use event building on the site of Yorkshire Bank, Merrion Way and land fronting Clay Pit Lane, Leeds LS2 8NZ.


Site photographs, plans and a virtual fly through were displayed and referred to throughout the discussion of the item.


The Director of City Development and applicant’s representatives addressed the Panel, speaking in detail about the proposal and highlighted the following:


·  Site / location / context

·  Former Yorkshire Bank site, the site had now come forward for disposal

·  Currently there was a significant amount of development taking place around the Leeds Arena site

·  The proposed revised scheme offered a potential land swap opportunity with the City Council

·  Members were informed that the Leeds Arena building was never designed as a focal point

·  The revised proposal - Block A would be retained as previously proposed, a 38 storey building comprising 720 student bedspaces with external surfaces finished in planar facets of clear glazing and polished anodised aluminium panels.

·  Block B - The revised proposals remove the previously proposed limb facing Clay Pit Lane, a reduction in the length of the Merrion Way elevation, fragmentation of the limb fronting Brunswick Terrace and reconfiguring this part of its mass to form a part 20, part 16 storey element. As a consequence of these changes the number of student bedspaces in this building would reduce from 543 to 490. Further, the reduction in the floorplate enables the existing trees in the planter at the junction of Merrion Way and Clay Pit Lane to be retained. In terms of materiality, it is now intended to use large panels of terracotta to form the principal grid of each of the elements of Block B.

·  The modified multi-use building would be brought forward at a later date, in common with the approach taken in developing the arena, this part of the application would be in outline with parameters for the building scale agreed, supported by a design code document establishing key principles of design and appearance.


There were no questions raised by Members


In offering comments, Members noted the following:


·  In general Members were supportive of the revised proposal

·  One Member said he was not entirely happy

·  Members were supportive of the of the design of the tower block A

·  Members welcomed the reduced massing of block B, allowing the Arena to be seen was viewed as a positive

·  Members welcome the retention of some of the existing trees

·  Members welcomed the suggestion to re-use the granite from the former Yorkshire Bank building within the proposal

·  The connectivity/ links throughout the scheme were supported


In offering comments on the questions posed in the Officer Report:


·  In general, Members were supportive of the proposed scale, position and form of Block A


·  Members were supportive of the revised scale, position and appearance of Block B


·  Members were supportive of the revised footprint of the multi-use building and the approach to landscaping


The Chair thanked the developers for their attendance and presentation of the revised proposals




(i)  To note the details contained in the pre-application presentation


(ii)  That the developers be thanked for their attendance and presentation


Supporting documents: