Agenda item

PREAPP/20/00446 - Pre-Application Presentation for a mixed-use development of 1235 residential units, two office blocks, a clubhouse and a retained public house use, street-level commercial units, car parking and landscaped public realm at land at Sweet Street, Marshall Street, Holbeck, Leeds.

To consider a report by the Chief Planning Officer which sets out details of a Pre-Application Presentation for a mixed-use development of 1235 residential units, two office blocks, a clubhouse and a retained public house use, street-level commercial units, car parking and landscaped public realm at land at Sweet Street, Marshall Street, Holbeck, Leeds.



(Report attached)


Prior to discussion of this item Members were made aware that Sweet Street may be a potential route for a Highway corridor to accommodate a Mass Transit system. The developers of the site had been made aware of this potential development.


The Chief Planning Officer submitted a report which set out details of a

pre-application presentation for proposed mixed-use development of 1235 residential units, two office blocks, a clubhouse and a retained public house use, street-level commercial units, car parking and landscaped public realm at land at Sweet Street, Marshall Street, Holbeck, Leeds.


Site photographs and plans were displayed and referred to throughout the discussion of the application.


The applicant’s representatives addressed the Panel, speaking in detail about the proposal and highlighted the following:


·  Site / location / context

·  Located to the south side of the City Centre, the site is largely cleared and measures a total of 3.05 hectares

·  The (vacant) former Commercial Pub, (non-designated heritage asset) is located towards the junction of Sweet Street West and Marshall Street and is within the boundary of the Holbeck Conservation Area.

·  The former Holbeck library, a grade II listed building (at the junction of Marshall Street and Nineveh Road), lie outside the site boundary. To the south and south-west of the railway line and Nineveh Road are the residential communities of Holbeck and Beeston. Employment uses predominate (mainly industrial and warehouse) to the east side of Marshall Street. To the north is the Commercial Pub, listed Temple

Works and vacant land.

·  The proposals sought to create a multi-level development of 1235 residential apartments in blocks, ranging from 10 up to 27 storeys, two office blocks, ranging from 4 to 6 storey’s and 5 to 7 storeys, a 3 storey clubhouse and a 2 storey public house/drinking establishment, set within a landscaped area, with surface and undercroft car parking.

·  The former Commercial Public House is to be retained and refurbished as a public house/drinking establishment

·  74 car parking spaces are proposed for the Build to Rent apartments, 100 spaces are proposed for the Open Market Housing apartments and 105 spaces are proposed for the office accommodation. The parking numbers for the commercial uses are not yet fixed.

·  Cycle and motorcycle parking would be at levels to comply with local planning policy.


Members raised the following questions to the developer’s representatives:


·  Consider changing the names of some streets because it may cause confusion with other similar street names elsewhere in the city. Look to reflect on the history of the area e.g. Mary Gawthorpe, local suffragette

·  The former Public Library, had any discussions taken place with the owner to bring the building into the development site

·  What was the intended nature of the proposed community building/club house


In responding to the issues raised the developer’s representatives said:


·  The applicant’s representative said the developers were open to name changes possibly using reference points from Holbeck in the past. Suggestions from the local community would be sought through community consultation

·  The applicant’s representative confirmed that the owners would be contacted with a view to addressing the approach to public ream around the site.

·  The intention was that the community building would be available for all to use which would not only provide a mix of uses to serve local community needs but also create a destination for the area


In offering comments, Members raised the following issues:


·  Members were of the opinion that the principle of the development was acceptable

·  This is a big strategic site and a high-quality scheme needs to be brought forward, including carbon zero development

·  There is a need to create the right urban environment with lots of trees and greenspace that is reflective of the aspirational images presented

·  The housing mix for this site is an important element

·  There will be a significant number of residents on this site and it is important that the necessary facilities are provided/ available

·  It is important to understand how office workers would travel to and from the site. The development needs to take into account aspirations for mass transit travel

·  There were mixed views on the proposed 27 storey apartment building with one Member not convinced by the proposed height whilst another was supportive

·  The proposed 6 storey office block would be overbearing/ dominate the former Public Library building

·  The Commercial Pub is too isolated, needs to be brought more into the development by perhaps facing into the site

·  A substantial buffer is required between the railway line and the residential blocks


In offering comments on the officers’ questions in the report:


·  Members were supportive of the proposed mix of uses

·  Members were generally supportive of the emerging design, scale and layout of the development, but further details were required to address the detailed comments above

·  Members supported the approach to residential and office car parking

  provision in this location


The Chair thanked the developers for their attendance and presentation suggesting that Members appeared to be generally supportive of the development.




(i)  To note the details contained in the pre-application presentation


(ii)  That the developers be thanked for their attendance and presentation


Supporting documents: