Agenda item

Single storey side extension at The Lodge, Newsam Green Road, Newsam Green, LS26 8AG

To consider the report of the Chief Planning Officer for an application for a single storey side extension at The Lodge, Newsam Green Road, Newsam Green, LS26 8AG


Please note that Appendix 1 to this report is designated as confidential under the provision of Access to Information Procedure Rule 9.2


The submitted report of the Chief Planning Officer presented an application for the construction of a single side extension at The Lodge, Newsam Green Road, Newsam Green, LS26 8AG. The extension was to meet the identified needs of a family member. Further to Minute No. 53 for reasons relating to data protection and safeguarding these identified needs were set out in a separate confidential report presented at Appendix 1 to the submitted report for Members’ consideration.


Members had attended a site visit earlier in the day and photographs and slides were shown throughout the presentation.


Members were provided with the following information:

·  The proposal was for a single storey side extension. This would be set to the rear of an existing link-detached addition and measure 3.8m in width by 3.2m in depth, with a gabled roof. An existing window would be blocked up, with a new side and rear window inserted. The extension would be constructed of matching materials.

·  The Lodge is a Grade II listed building set in the entrance to Leventhorpe Hall. The property dates from the mid-19th century and is constructed from ashlar sandstone with a slate roof. The house in previous years had been substantially extended to the side and rear and now included two secondary side gables, a link-detached side extension, conservatory to the rear and garden buildings.

·  The scale and form proposed as part of the extension proposed was not such that it would appear over-dominant, particularly taking into account the existing extensions.

·  The site is located within the Green Belt with the residential estate of Leventhorpe Hall to the west and agricultural land to all other sides.  This proposal, taken cumulatively with the existing extensions, is inappropriate development in this location. However, due to special personal circumstances it was the view that these constitute very special circumstances and outweigh the harm to the Green Belt.


The Chair asked all Members of the Panel if they wished to specifically discuss any matters contained within confidential Appendix 1. All Members were in agreement that, having considered the content of confidential Appendix 1, the Panel had all the necessary information in respect of that appendix to consider and determine the matter before them and therefore Members confirmed that they did not require the meeting to go into private session to discuss those matters.


In response to questions from Members, in relation to the publicly accessible cover report/appendices, the Panel were provided with the following information:

·  It was noted that this application would not set a precedent for future applications in the Green Belt. All applications including those with very special circumstances would be considered separately, on a case-by-case basis, and would be unique to that development.

·  It was noted that the only other application made by this applicant had been for the kitchen. The other applications had been made by previous owners.


Members comments included:

·  Differing opinions in relation to the design of the extension

·  Commended the officer for the report which provided a pragmatic approach

·  Disappointment with previous planning permissions, as it was the view that The Lodge had been spoilt

·  Members agreed that usually they would fight against development within the Green Belt but were of the view that the very special circumstances of this application outweighed the harm.


Following consideration of the submitted report and its appendices, including Appendix which was designated as being confidential under provisions of Access to Information Procedure Rule 9.2: Information the disclosure of which to the public is prohibited by or under another Act or by Court Order it was


RESOLVED – To grant planning permission as subject to the conditions listed in the submitted report.


Members were informed that listed building consent had to be applied for.


Supporting documents: