Agenda item

LeedsWatch Update

To receive an update from the Chief Officer (Safer, Stronger Communities) on the implementation of the new model of working at LeedsWatch and a progress report in respect of the implementation of recommendations made by the Review Team.



The report of the Chief Officer Safer Stronger Communities provided an update on the implementation of the new model of working at LeedsWatch and a progress report in respect of the implementation of recommendations made by the Review Team.


Appended to the submitted report were the LeedsWatch New Models of Working report, LeedsWatch Structures and Effective Services to the Public – Keeping People Safe & Feeling Safe.


The following were in attendance for this item:

o  Paul Money, Chief Officer Safer Stronger Communities

o  Zahid Butt, LeedsWatch Service Manager

o  Sharon Coates, Service Improvement Manager

o  Elizabeth Jarmin, Head of Locality Partnerships


The Chief Officer Safer, Stronger Communities introduced the report and provided an introductory presentation. The following information was highlighted:


·  An overview of all the services LeedsWatch manage. It was noted that all services run 7 days a week and are based at Middleton.

·  The main aim of the review is to improve the working environment within LeedsWatch and to ensure services work efficiently.

·  Scope of the initial 2021 review: to consider new service delivery models to ensure a structure which is scalable and fit for purpose, and one that will also allow a better work life balance for employees.

·  Staff engagement and working groups were undertaken with key stakeholders to explore different options for service delivery.

·  The introduction of a new service delivery model that includes Multi-functional Response Officers, Multi-Functional Control Room Officers and the introduction of a triage and deployment function. This has increased the flexibility and capacity of the service.

·  The new model involved the introduction of enhanced service delivery support including the creation of Performance and Relationships Team and standardisation and streamlining of processes.

·  An overview of case studies was appended to the submitted report and an example from one of these was highlighted to show early intervention and prevention of crimes.


In responding to questions from Members, the following information was highlighted:

·  Patrols of parks and greenspaces are undertaken by foot and aim to reach all parks in Leeds at least once per day, with bigger parks receiving more visits.

·  Further work around engagement with Neighbourhood Policing Teams (NPTs) will be undertaken, particularly around CCTV hotspots.

·  Members referred to information provided as part of Community Committee updates and requested that further information be provided on a regular basis to illustrate ward activity. Officers agreed to work with members to develop a format of reporting that better meets the needs of community committees. Further to this, the Head of Locality Partnerships confirmed that further work to strengthen roles of Community Safety Champions will be considered.

·  Engagement with staff on the new model of service delivery, is an on-going process. The new model of working is coming up to its 6-month milestone and officers will therefore be looking again at feedback from staff.

·  CCTV footage is provided to West Yorkshire Police (WYP) daily, and LeedsWatch deal with approximately 50 requests per day. It was noted that there is a liaison officer to inform NPTs of CCTV in their area.


The Chair thanked officers for their attendance and requested that a document be provided setting out workstreams within LeedsWatch, as well as contact details for the service.



a)  To note the contents of the report, together with members comments.

b)  To note the progress of implementation on the new model of working implemented by LeedsWatch.


Supporting documents: