To receive a report from the Head of Democratic Services which presents an update from NHS Leeds CCG surrounding the implementation of the refreshed Future in Mind: Leeds Strategy.
The Head of Democratic Services submitted a report presenting an update from NHS Leeds Clinical Commissioning Group surrounding the implementation of the refreshed Future in Mind: Leeds Strategy.
The following were in attendance to present the report:
· Councillor Fiona Venner - Executive Member for Adult and Children’s Social Care and Health Partnerships
· Jayne Bathgate-Roche - Pathway Integration Leader, NHS Leeds CCG
· Emily Griffiths - Associate Director of Pathway Integration, Children, Families and Healthy Populations, NHS Leeds CCG
The Executive Member for Adult and Children’s Social Care and Health Partnerships gave a brief introduction highlighting the Strategy had been refreshed in 2021 and was set in the context of the impact of the Coronavirus pandemic, as well as the impact of trauma and poverty on children and young people. The Strategy had strong links to the ‘All Age mental health’ strategy and the Adults Mental Health Partnership Board (AMHPB). Importantly, both Future In Mind and the AMHPB share the priorities of the impact of trauma and the impact of the period of transition from the care of Childrens Services to Adult Social Care.
The Associate Director of Pathway Integration, Children, Families and Healthy Populations, NHS Leeds CCG highlighted the strength of partnership working in the development of the refreshed Strategy. Moving forward the Strategy seeks to embed “think family” across all partner groups and to address the disparity of investment in children and young people’s mental health services through its links to the Childrens Population Board and its focus on transforming services, especially at that period of transition.
The Pathway Integration Leader, NHS Leeds CCG, outlined the work undertaken to support the 7 areas of work within the Strategy, each led by a different partner:
- Support – to ensure access to services and the right support at the right time
- Early Intervention – how to bring partners together to make an early impact
- Parity of investment in children and young people’s mental health – noting investment for ‘trailblazer’ teams to work in Secondary school age education settings.
- Transitions - work to identify arbitrary ‘cut-off’ points between provision of services to children and young people as they move into adulthood and access adult support services.
- Family Support – how to equip families to support their child.
- Children with medically unexplained symptoms – support for those with symptoms of long Covid, fatigue and other symptoms which may not yet have an identified medical cause.
The Board discussed the following matters –
· How education settings which are not part of the Local Authority or member of a Childrens Services Cluster can be encouraged to participate and utilise the support available under the Strategy.
· Funding for CAMHS and referral times.
· Resources to support early intervention after trauma and the implementation of Navigator roles in hospital Accident and Emergency departments.
· Support for children entering early years education with little or no experience of social interaction.
· The role of Youth Services in identifying and supporting young people who may be experiencing mental health issues.
· The possibility for service provision in the community to provide care close to home.
RESOLVED – To note the content and recommendations set out within the Future in Mind: Leeds Strategy - update report.
(Councillor Venner left the meeting at this point)
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