The report of the Chief Officer (Elections and Regulatory) requests Member’s consideration on an application for the grant of a premises licence for Crossgates and District Recreation Hall, Poplar Avenue, Crossgates, LS15 8EB
(Report attached)
The report of the Chief Officer (Elections and Regulatory) introduced an application for the grant of a premises licence for Crossgates and District Recreation Hall, Poplar Avenue, Crossgates Leeds LS15 8EB.
Supplementary information provided by the applicants had been distributed prior to the meeting.
The following were in attendance for this item:
The Legal Adviser to the Sub-Committee set out the procedure to be followed, and the Principal Licensing Officer outlined the application.
The premises currently holds a Club Premises Certificate (details of activities and hours can be seen at point 2.1 of the submitted report) and the application sought a premises licence for the following:
- New Year’s Day to 02:00
- Bank Holiday weekends (Fri to Mon inclusive) to 01:00
- Christmas Eve and Boxing Day to 01:00
It was noted that the application had not attracted a formal representation from any of the responsible authorities. However discussions had taken place with West Yorkshire Police which had led the applicant to accept a number of additional conditions, consistent with the transition from Club Premises Certificate to a Premises Licence.
The application attracted a representation submitted by Cross Gates Watch Residents’ Association. No person on behalf of the association attended the hearing and the Sub Committee considered the written submission in their absence.
The Club Chair addressed the Sub-Committee; explaining the reasons behind the application – to secure future trading of the club, provision of functions and ability to use the function room more widely, including for non-Members, and to provide flexibility. Mr Thompson provided an overview of the impact of the Coronavirus pandemic on the Club’s trading and an overview of the Club’s long history.
The Club’s representatives outlined the consultation they had undertaken in terms of leafleting local residents and ‘open days’ to discuss the application and reported receipt of no adverse comments. In terms of the representation submitted by the Residents’ Association, the Sub Committee received assurance that it was not intended that the provision of boxing/wrestling would be used, as reconfiguration of the premises would be required – however all of the licensable activities applied for were to provide flexibility and to future proof the business.
The Club’s representatives further clarified:
· The premises licence would allow the upstairs function room to be more widely available and be used as a community asset.
· Those booking a function would undergo vetting, as is the case currently and detail was provided on the vetting process.
· Although the function room capacity was 200, functions of up to 150 attendees were anticipated. Functions which may exceed 150 attendees would be ticketed.
· The Clubs current policy of not hosting 18th or 21st Birthday parties would continue.
· The early and later hours requested were to facilitate functions – such as an early wedding or wake or a late finish wedding party. The Club still intended to usually operate to its current hours.
· That part of the application which would support consumption of alcohol outside the premises was to regularise the odd occasion when Club members who were using the Bowling Green took their drinks to watch a match and would allow use of the outdoor bench as there was no outdoor drinking area as such. The Club Management Team were considering celebrations for the Platinum Jubilee and outdoor drinking may be utilised then.
The Sub Committee considered the application as presented to them along with the supplementary information and verbal presentation provided by the applicant. The Sub Committee also had regard to the written submission provided by the Cross Gates Watch Residents’ Association and the licensing objectives.
Having considered all information before them, the Licensing Sub Committee
RESOLVED – To grant the application as applied for.
Supporting documents: