To receive a report from the Chief Office for Transportation and Highways on the temporary road closure process including associated notifications, communication and engagement.
Appended Items
Appendix 1: Process, Consultation and Engagement Report
Appendix 2: Schedule of key engagement activities
Appendix 3: 16 September 2021 Cllr Robinson original referral
Appendix 4: 16 September 2021 Officer report
Appendix 4 A: 16 September 2021 ELOR planned road closures
Appendix 4 B: 16 September 2021 progress Photographs
Appendix 5: 16 September 2021 Extract from Scrutiny Board minutes
The report of the Chief Officer (Transportation and Highways) outlined the current processes for temporary road closures required in connection with work across the district. The report summarised the engagement and consultation procedures linked to temporary road closures including the enhanced engagement for major projects.
The report and subsequent discussion sought to address concerns raised in September 2021 via a referral to scrutiny in the name of Cllr Matthew Robinson.
The following were in attendance for this item:
- Cllr Helen Hayden (Executive Member)
- Cllr Matthew Robinson (Original Referrer)
- Gary Bartlett (Chief Officer, Transportation and Highways)
- Adrian Hodgson (Traffic Manager)
- Oliver Priestley (Head of Engineering and Infrastructure)
Adrian Hodgson introduced the item, noting the concerns raised by Cllr Robinson in September following the temporary closure of Leeds Road in Scholes.
Adrian outlined the current processes associated with temporary closures including legal requirements, engagement and notification processes that go beyond the legal minimum and the enhanced procedures adopted for major projects.
Matter discusses included:
§ The scale of road closures that take place in the city each year.
§ The responsibilities of utility firms carrying out emergency works and scheduled maintenance.
§ Engagement with emergency services and the offer to provide training for partners on One.Network.
§ Training on One.Network for elected members – training has been offered to all 99 councillors and will be offered again in future. Training can also be offered to members of Town and Parish Councils.
§ The specific engagement procedures followed in the case of major projects.
§ The actions that have been taken to publicise planned road closures that are taking place to allow work to be carried out safely on the Armley Gyratory.
§ Arrangements to enable ‘blue light access’ to Armley Gyratory while road closures are in place.
§ The launch and development of the Leeds: Plan Ahead campaign.
It was confirmed that the Highways team would be happy to engage with any future relaunch of the annual Town and Parish Charter review, subject to the outcome of the ongoing discussions between the Communities Team and their Executive Board member.
Cllr Robinson thanked officers for the detailed report and for considering the issues raised in September in detail. He extended his thanks to the Parish Council, constituent George Hall and former Parish Councillor Howard Bedford for their work in this area.
Officers reiterated that current processes are regarded as robust and go ‘above and beyond’ the legal requirements. However, there remains a commitment to learn lessons from individual closures to inform future work and to assess any specific recommendations for ways the service can further improve its processes in conjunction with the Executive member.
RESOLVED - Members agreed to note the report and endorse the following actions that have been taken:
· The offer to provide training to the emergency services on the use of;
· Specific action to liaise with West Yorkshire Ambulance Service on the use of for journey route planning;
· An additional offer of supplier training for all Members of the Council
· The commitment to a dedicated resource to assist in communication and engagement on major schemes
· The Integration of the Connecting Leeds communications project into major transportation schemes being promoted by the service
· Creation of a highway disruption web site content at;
· A commitment to continue to review practices and implement change in line with best practice; and
· A commitment to work with colleagues in Communities to engage with local councils and communities to enhance locality communication and engagement.
Supporting documents: