Agenda item

Inner North West Community Committee Finance Report

To receive and consider the attached report of the Head of Locality Partnerships.



The report of the Head of Locality Partnerships provided the Community Committee with an update on the budget position for the Wellbeing Fund, Youth Activity Fund, Capital Budget as well as the Infrastructure Levy Budget for 2021/22.


Marcia Cunningham, Localities Officer presented the report.


The following was discussed:


·  Funds remaining in the Wellbeing Budget - There had been some funding returned from the Infant Safer Sleeping Project as resources on offer had been obtained from elsewhere.

·  Remaining funds in the Covid funding pots.

·  Project applications:

o  University ASB Dedicated Resource INW - £7,257.67 requested – Members were supportive of this application.

o  Inner North West Pedal Cycle Security - £5,840.00 requested – Members were supportive of this application.

o  Meanwood Valley Partnership Christmas Lights - £1,500.00 requested.  Inner North East Community Committee had agreed the same amount.  Members were supportive of this application.

o  Dance On – Yorkshire Dance - £17,405 requested.  Members were not supportive of this application.

o  Engagement in Green Spaces - £8,941.52 was requested.  Members were supportive of this application but at a reduced sum of £4,500.00.  Further monitoring of the project was requested.

o  Hyde Park Unity Day - £5,000.00 requested.  Members were supportive of this application.

o  Woodhouse Moor Tennis - £1,480.00 was requested.  Members were supportive of this application.

o  Little London Family Fun Day - £2,500 was requested.  Members were supportive of this application.

o  Jungle Kids - £1,000 was requested.  Members were supportive of this application.

o  Money Buddies - £35,168.00 was requested.  Members supported this application with a reduced figure of £26,376.00 Which would still support one venue in each ward.

o  Hamara Women’s Group. - £12, 234.56 was requested.  This was supported with a reduced proposals of £11,000.

o  Art Camp April 2022- March 2023 - £10,890.00 was requested.  Members were supportive of this application.

o  Weetwood Youth Project - £4,060 was requested.  Members were supportive of this application.

o  Lovell Park View Fencing - £1,700 was requested.  Members were supportive of this application.

o  St Chad’s Cricket Club - £10,000 was requested.  This was towards the cost of a new pavilion and Members were supportive of this application being funded from the CIL Budget.

o  Thornvilles Graffiti Project - £16,528 was requested.  Members were supportive of this application.




(1)  That details of the Wellbeing Budget position be noted.

(2)  That the following projects be approved:

o  University ASB Dedicated Resource INW - £7,257.67

o  Inner North West Pedal Cycle Security - £5,840.00

o  Meanwood Valley Partnership Christmas Lights - £1,500.00

o  Engagement in Green Spaces - £4,500.00.  Further monitoring of the project to be provided.

o  Hyde Park Unity Day - £5,000.00 

o  Woodhouse Moor Tennis - £1,480.00. 

o  Little London Family Fun Day - £2,500

o  Jungle Kids - £1,000. 

o  Money Buddies - £26,376.00

o  Hamara Women’s Group - £11,000

o  Art Camp April 2022- March 2023 - £10,890.00

o  Weetwood Youth Project - £4,060. 

o  Lovell Park View Fencing - £1,700. 

o  St Chad’s Cricket Club - £10,000. 

o  Thornvilles Graffiti Project - £16,528

(3)  That the following project be refused:

o  Dance On – Yorkshire Dance - £17,405 requested. 

(4)  That monitoring information of funded projects be noted.

(5)  That details of the Youth Activities Fund (YAF) position be noted.

(6)  That details of the Small Grants & Skips Budget be noted.

(7)  That details of the Capital Budget be noted.



Supporting documents: