The report of the Chief Officer (Elections and Regulatory) requests Members consideration of a premises licence, made by Mr Shakhawan Salahadin Ahmed, for Main Street Local 147 Main Street, Garforth, Leeds, LS25 1AF.
(Report attached)
The report of the Chief Officer (Elections and Regulatory) advised Sub-Committee Members of an application for the grant of a premises licence, made by Mr Shakhawan Salahadin Ahmed, for Main Street Local, 147 Main Street, Garforth, Leeds, LS25 1AF.
The application is for a small grocery store proposing to sell alcohol for consumption off the premises Monday – Sunday 07:00 to 23:00 hours.
The application has attracted representations from a local ward member and one member of the public. Prior to the hearing, supplementary information was published on the LCC Council website and distributed to Sub-Committee Members, detailing an email from a local ward member withdrawing his representation.
The following were in attendance for this item:
· June Clarke, JMC Licensing – Applicant’s Representative
· Shakhawan Salahadin Ahmed – Applicant
The Legal Adviser explained the procedure to be followed, and the Licensing Officer presented the application.
June Clarke informed the Sub-Committee and provided a brief background on the applicant and explained that he does not have a criminal history and has never had an issue with responsible authorities relating to criminal matters. June explained that the premises was a grocery and did not intend to be an off-licence. The applicant is aware of the locality and undertook a survey in the vicinity and confirmed that comments received from residents were broadly supportive.
The applicant’s representative explained that the Licensing Agency shared a letter to the outstanding objectors to the application. The letter detailed points around the Licensing Act and reassurances that this type of business will not increase anti-social behaviour in the area. The applicant has suggested 21 strict conditions and has been trading / selling alcohol with no issues over the last 7 days with a Temporary Event Notice that is currently in place.
The applicant’s representative confirmed that staff will monitor CCTV outside of the premises and explained the process of the compliance log books that the premises will have in place. It was confirmed that there will be an appropriate amount of signage inside and outside of the premises, regarding the refusal policy, challenge 25 and quiet signs to ensure patrons are respecting the local community.
The applicant’s representative believed due to the premises being located on a busy junction, this will not be an attractive place for people to congregate outside of the premises. It was also confirmed that the applicant has decided to implement the challenge 25 policy. It was mentioned that the Licensing Agency will offer on-going support and advice to the applicant as part of their services and will be on call if the applicant requires additional support, as well as providing refresher courses on proxy sales.
The applicants representative informed the Sub-Committee that relevant responsible authorities have not submitted a representation and therefore, felt that the application will not attract anti-social behaviour.
In response to questions from Sub-Committee Members, the following was confirmed:
· It was of the opinion of the applicant that most of his customers will travel by foot without the need of parking. However, there are nearby streets where patrons can park their vehicles.
· The applicant has 4 years’ experience in this field and has taken over Main Street Local approximately a week prior to the hearing.
· The applicant explained the process of obtaining signatures in a record book, when refusing alcohol sales.
· The applicant is also the Designated Premises Supervisor and has undertaken relevant training. It was confirmed that there will be 2 part time staff to work alongside him.
· The premises will sell alcohol secondary to the main purpose of the premises being a grocer.
· There have been no reported issues with the recent Temporary Event Notice and no need to challenge underage alcohol sales.
· The applicant confirmed he would be happy to open the premises at a later start time, of 8am.
· The applicant confirmed he does not intend to sell high strength alcohol in large volumes, such as high strength cider in litre bottles.
· Deliveries will be carried out from a small vehicle / van to the rear of the premises.
In summarising, the applicant’s representative felt that the applicant promoted all the licensing objectives and is a respectable businessman who also forms part of the local community and will not bring issues to the area.
Having considered all the information before the Licensing Sub-Committee, and as part of a private deliberation process, it was
RESOLVED – To grant the licence as applied for, subject to the following conditions:
· Amend the operating hours 8am until 11 pm Monday – Sunday
· There will be no sale of high strength (above 6.5%) cider and lager in volumes of 1, 2 and 3 litre plastic bottles
Supporting documents: