To receive and consider the attached report of the Chief Planning Officer regarding a hybrid planning application for demolition of existing buildings and structures, sire remediation, regrading and preparatory works, erection of four residential buildings (use class C3), townhouses (use class C3) and student accommodation (sui generis) with ground floor and other uses comprising any or all of retail, commercial, community, health, cultural and leisure (use classes E, F1 and/or F2) and associated means of access, parking, landscaping, associated infrastructure works and construction of a new river wall and bridge crossing; outline permission, to be implemented in phases, for mixed use development comprising residential use (use class C3); and other uses including all or some of the following: retail, leisure, commercial, health, cultural and community uses (use classes E, F1 and/or F2); car parking, new public spaces; hard and soft landscaping; cycle parking; access; servicing; and other associated infrastructure and engineering works.
The Chief Planning Officer submitted a report for a hybrid planning application for a phased development; full permission for demolition of existing buildings and structures, site remediation, regrading and preparatory works, erection of four residential buildings (use class C3), townhouses (use class C3 ) and student accommodation (sui generis) with ground floor and other uses comprising any or all of retail, commercial, community, health, cultural and leisure (use classes E, F1 and/or F2) and associated means of access, parking, landscaping, associated infrastructure works and construction of a new river wall and bridge crossing; outline permission, to be implemented in phases, for mixed use development comprising residential use (use class C3); and other uses including all or some of the following: retail, leisure, commercial, health, cultural and community uses (use classes E, F1 and / or F2); car parking, new public spaces; hard and soft landscaping; cycle parking; access; servicing; and other associated infrastructure and engineering works at 10 - 81, Kirkstall Road, Leeds LS3 1LH.
Slides, photographs and CGI’s were shown throughout the presentation. Members had attended a site visit the previous year at the pre application stage. It was noted that this proposal reflected those presented at pre-application stage.
The Panel were provided with the following information:
· The proposal comprises of up to 1,437 new residential units and 362 student rooms, located across 11 buildings, with up to 4,367sqm of flexible ground floor commercial, leisure, cultural and community floorspace (use classes E, F1 and / or F2). The application includes landscaping, green space and car parking, along with the provision of a new pedestrian and cycle bridge across the River Aire and a riverside walkway. The application is split into a Full (Detailed) element and an Outline element.
· This is a brownfield site with some buildings to be demolished as part of this application and remediation works to be carried out.
· As with the previous City Reach scheme the site would be split into east and west. There would be 11 blocks in total with building heights ranging from 8 to 17 storeys. The student accommodation will be located in the north-eastern corner of the site, extending to 15 storeys. Mid-rise development will be provided in the western part of the site with building heights ranging from 11 to 15 storeys. The taller elements of the scheme to be located along the River Aire.
· Inside the site there would lower rise buildings and open spaces.
· The colour palette had been chosen to reflect the industrial heritage of the city. Each block would have its own character in different materials and design.
· Commercial use was proposed at ground level and flexibility had been requested, to limit the amount of retail.
· A public square is proposed in the north area of the site with a play area to the south, there would also be more formal areas of open space provided.
· There would be two access points from Kirkstall Road for local vehicles and service access.
· A cycle hub was proposed for the storage and rental of bikes.
· Wind had been assessed and it was proposed to use wind impact canopies and screening. It was noted that the full design of these element could be looked at under condition prior to construction.
· The applicant is a subsidiary of Clarion Housing Group which provides social housing. It was noted that the applicant had secured grant funding from Homes England for 402 affordable homes with the applicant committing to secure within the Section 106 legal agreement provision of 7% 101 affordable homes, bringing the overall affordable housing provision to 35% of the total residential units. Within the Section 106 only one bedroom properties would be affordable units.
· Leeds City Council’s Flood Alleviation Scheme Phase 2 is underway and by the end of 2022 will provide the site and surrounding city area with a high level of flood protection in the form of robust river side flood defence walls. It was noted that the Environment Agency had outstanding concerns with regard to the flood risk assessment modelling and their objection to the development remains in place.
Present at the meeting to answer questions were:
In response to questions posed by Members the Panel were provided with the following information:
Low rise buildings likened to ‘sheds’ by Panel Members
Housing Mix and Affordable Housing
Flood Protection
Members Comments included:
Chair’s Comments
The Chair was of the view that the presentation had been informative, and Members had sent a clear message that (whilst accepting this particular scheme) generally more 3 bedroom properties were required in the city centre area, with 10% of schemes not being enough.
He thanked the applicants for their helpful input.
He also said that he liked the idea that Cllr Nash had suggested to incorporate the facades of the Imperial Cinema into the design of the scheme.
RESOLVED – To approve the application in principle and defer and delegate the final decision to the Chief Planning Officer as set out in the submitted report.
Supporting documents: