The report of the Chief Officer Elections and Regulatory advises Members that three temporary event notices have been received for the same premises, pedestrianized area of Merrion Place, outside Belgrave Music Hall, 1 Cross Belgrave Street, Leeds, LS2 8JP and Leeds City Council Environmental Protection Team have served an objection notice on the grounds of public nuisance.
The report of the Chief Officer Elections and Regulatory advised Members that three temporary event notices had been received for the same premises, pedestrianised area of Merrion Place, outside Belgrave Music Hall, 1 Cross Belgrave Street, Leeds, LS2 8JP and Leeds City Council Environmental Protection Team had served an objection notice on the grounds of public nuisance.
Present at the meeting were:
· Stevie Mulgrave – Premises User
· Christopher Impett – General Manager, Belgrave Music Hall
· Vanessa Holroyd – Environmental Protection Team
The Legal Officer set out the procedure for the hearing.
The Licensing Officer presented the application providing the following information:
Mr Mulgrave addressed the Licensing Sub Committee providing the following information:
Responding to questions from the Sub Committee, Members were informed of the following:
· The premises does have a licence for both indoors and outdoors, with the Roof Terrace open until 11:00pm.
· Monitoring does take place of how many people are both inside and outside the premises. Security is in place at the entrance and exit counting those going in and out. The outside street area is monitored and there is no dancing allowed.
· Once the event has finished at 10:00pm some people will drift away whereas others may wish to go inside. However, should inside be at capacity they would be required to join the queue at the entrance. It was noted that the security staff use radios to constantly monitor the numbers inside, outside on the street and on the roof terrace.
· Entrance to the side street area is through the main entrance. ID checks are used.
Ms Holroyd from Environmental Protection Team informed the Licensing Sub Committee of the following points:
Mr Mulgrave in summing up said the events were for three days over the bank holiday period. He offered to use a noise limiter for the outside area and if required change the time of the events and limit the numbers.
The Council had increased payments for the use of the outside area and without this type of event the business would struggle.
Members requested further information in relation to noise limiters. Clarification was provided and it was noted that a Db limiter could be used to set levels which would be controlled by a sound manager and not by the DJ’s. Db levels could be checked at the nearest residential properties, this would keep noise to a set level therefore reducing noise disturbance to residents. Mr Mulgrave was agreeable to working with Environmental Protection to set an agreed level. Mr Mulgrave also said he would offer to let the management company of the residential properties have a contact number which could be used should there be any complaints.
RESOLVED - To grant the temporary event notices for:
With the condition that a noise limiter be used to set noise levels agreeable with Environmental Protection and contact details be provided to the management company for Symons House and Vita Student apartments.
Meeting concluded at 15:35
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