Agenda item

Ofsted Inspection Report

To receive a report from the Head of Democratic Services which invites the Scrutiny Board to consider the findings of the recent Ofsted inspection of children’s services in Leeds.


The Head of Democratic Services submitted a report which invited the Scrutiny Board to consider and discuss the findings of the recent Ofsted inspection of children’s services in Leeds.


The following were in attendance for this item:


·  Councillor Fiona Venner, Executive Member for Adult and Children’s Social Care and Health Partnerships

·  Councillor Jonathan Pryor, Executive Member for Economy, Culture and Education

·  Sal Tariq, Director of Children and Families

·  Julie Longworth, Deputy Director of Children and Families

·  Shaheen Myers, Deputy Director Learning

·  Val Waite, Head of Service, Learning Inclusion


In introducing this item, the Chair briefly explained that the full inspection report had been formally published by Ofsted on Monday 9th May 2022. Once published, this was then shared with Board Members in readiness for today’s meeting.  The Chair then invited the lead Executive Members and the Director of Children and Families to provide further introductory comments on the Ofsted inspection report.  In doing so, the following key points were made:


Ø  That since the last full inspection of Leeds City Council in 2018, Ofsted has found that services for children have remained outstanding in their overall effectiveness.

Ø  As one of the largest cities in the UK, Ofsted had recognised that Leeds has been significantly affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. To maintain an outstanding judgement, particularly during this very difficult period too, has been acknowledged as a huge achievement and is testament to the strong commitment and hard work of frontline staff and other key partners.

Ø  Linked to this achievement, Ofsted had particularly found that the restorative and relational practice model has been further embedded into practice and continues to be reinforced under the banner of ‘child-friendly Leeds’, along with corporate support and investment that recognises that children living in Leeds are of the highest priority.

Ø  As part of the inspection, Ofsted had also acknowledged the action plan put in place to address the areas for improvement identified at the last focused visit and found that all of these areas have now improved through this planning.

Ø  An improvement plan is to be put in place to address the two improvement areas identified within the Ofsted report and once available, this will also be shared with the Scrutiny Board.

Ø  Moving forward, it was stressed that Council would not become complacent and is keen to continue to learn and improve in collaboration with partners and also via the engagement of scrutiny.


The Chair relayed his congratulations surrounding the positive outcome of the Ofsted inspection and also acknowledged and welcomed the recognition that had been given to the role of scrutiny by Ofsted in terms of being robust and challenging.


In consideration of the Ofsted inspection report, other Board Members joined the Chair in congratulating the leadership and staff within the Children and Families directorate.  The following matters were also discussed by the Board:


Ø  The areas for improvement referenced in the Ofsted report, which had been reflective of the Council’s own self-assessment process.

Ø  The continued focus on recruitment and retention of social work staff in helping to reduce current workload pressures.

Ø  The benefits arising from well-established and extensive early help support, including interventions available through cluster arrangements with schools and children’s centres.

Ø  The importance of transition planning into adulthood.

Ø  The significant impacts of poverty on children and families and the continued efforts being made through the Child Poverty Strategy.

Ø  The focus on vulnerable learners and the positive feedback received by Ofsted on the Council’s approach towards inclusion, which had acknowledged the work of the Area Inclusion Partnerships and the support provided to families who elect to educate their child at home.

Ø  Children’s identity and cultural needs and the support provided particularly to unaccompanied asylum-seeking children.

Ø  The value of restorative practice and the importance of capturing the voice of young people.


The Chair thanked everyone for their contributions and highlighted that the improvement plan stemming from the Ofsted inspection would be brought back to the Scrutiny Board once available.



(a)  That the contents of the report, along with Members comments, be noted.

(b)  That the improvement plan stemming from the Ofsted inspection be shared with the Scrutiny Board once available.



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