Agenda item

21/07156/RM - Nook Farm, Haigh Moor Road, Tingley, Wakefield, WF3 1EF

To receive and consider the attached report of the Chief Planning Officer regarding a Reserved Matters application for erection of 289 dwellings with access within the site, garaging, parking, landscaping and public open space



The report of the Chief Planning Officer presented a reserved matters application for the erection of 289 dwellings with access within the site, garaging, parking, landscaping and open space.


The application had been considered at the April meeting of South and West Plans Panel when it had been deferred for the following reasons:


·  Consider the provision of four and five bedroom houses for affordable housing.

·  Consider the provision of bungalows.

·  Further information on tress including a full tree survey to include the quality of trees and detail regarding carbon capture.

·  Further information on compliance with street design guidance.

·  More detail on placemaking.

·  More clarity on cycle segregation and the footpath network.

·  Invite a policy officer to discuss policy H4 and the housing mix.

·  Further consultation with Ward Councillors.


Members of the Panel had visited the site prior to the meeting in April 2022.  Site plans and photographs were displayed and referred to throughout the discussion of the application.


Further issues highlighted in relation to the application included the following:


·  There would be four bungalows provided in the revised layout.

·  Further information was provided in relation to landscaping including the submission of an arboriculture report; placemaking; and energy use and sustainability including plans for electric vehicle charging.

·  The period for consultation was not due to expire until 10 June 2022 and the wording of the recommendation was to be amended subject to the expiration of this period.

·  There had been no new material considerations highlighted in representations that had been submitted since the last meeting.

·  Contact had been made with Ward Councillors from Ardsley & Robin Hood and Morley South and further objections had been received but did not raise any further material considerations.

·  There had been a request from West Ardsley Action Group and local residents to be allowed to speak at Panel.  There were no new material considerations and speakers had been allowed at the outline application stage and previous consideration of the reserved matters application.

·  The housing mix including the bungalows and offer of affordable housing was considered to be acceptable for the area.  This was fully compliant with policies H4 and H5.

·  Significant detail had been submitted with regard to the landscaping and impact on trees.  This included the need to remove unhealthy trees.  Overall it was considered that the landscaping plan brought significant benefit to the ecology and bio-diversity of the site.

·  Further to concerns to the proposed removal of three trees towards the entrance from Upper Green Avenue, it was reported that one of these trees would be retained.

·  There would be maintenance to the ancient woodland that would not otherwise be maintained.

·  The house types and sizes reflected those of the surrounding areas.

·  There would be the use of renewable energy sources including photo voltaic panels and air sourced heat pumps.

·  The open spaces would enable community use and improved connectivity would be in place across the site.

·  The proposals would enhance the existing footpath network and there would be 20 MPH speed limits throughout the site.

·  The housing layout was guided by good design principles and provide good residential and visual amenity.

·  The proposals were fully policy compliant and it was recommended to defer and delegate the application for approval.


In response to questions and comments from the Panel, the following was discussed:


·  Under the protocol for speakers at Plans Panel there was only provision to speak on deferred applications where there were significant new material considerations.

·  Although the length of a proposed cul de sac on the site was in excess of the recommended distance in guidelines, this was not a breach of policy and guidance stated that these circumstances should be avoided where possible.  The shape of the site had been the determining factor.

·  The scheme was considered acceptable in terms of highways safety.

·  There was no policy requirement for the provision of bungalows and these had been offered in good faith by the applicant.

·  The Housing Needs Assessment submitted by the applicant followed the evidence of the Strategic Housing Market Assessment (SHMA) which was the latest evidence used to implement policy H4.

·  There was no policy requirement for the assessment of trees and capture of carbon.  The applicant had submitted a full report on trees included the health of the trees.

·  Access points top the site had been fixed as part of the outline permission.

·  There had been some reconfiguration to the access from Upper Green Avenue which would enable one of the three trees to be retained.

·  The application was not felt to meet the needs of the local area.  The provision of 4 and 5 bedroom houses was not appropriate to local needs.  The policy for housing mix was no longer relevant for today’s needs.

·  Issues including Climate Change and consultation with Ward Members had not been fully addressed.

·  There had not been sufficient time for further appropriate consultation and the application had been brought back to Panel too quickly.


RESOLVED – That the application be deferred and delegated to the Chief Planning Officer for approval subject to the specified conditions outlined in the report (and any amendments or additional conditions that the Chief Planning Officer may consider appropriate) and also to allow for the expiration of the advertising period.



Supporting documents: