Agenda item

Local Plan Update 1 (Publication Draft)

To consider the report of the Director of City Development seeking endorsement of the Local Plan Update 1 Publication Draft policies and approval to undertake public consultation on the Publication Draft, as well as accompanying consultation documentation. The Plan seeks to introduce new or revised planning policies to help further address the imperative of the climate emergency, improve health and wellbeing and address the ecological emergency and the report includes a summary of the proposed draft policies as well as details of previous statutory and non-statutory consultation that has informed them.



Further to Minute No. 14, 23 June 2021, and further to the consideration of such matters at Development Plan Panel (6th September 2022), the Director of City Development submitted a report which sought endorsement of the Local Plan Update 1 Publication Draft policies, as submitted, and which sought approval to undertake public consultation on the Publication Draft, as well as accompanying consultation documentation. The report outlined how the Plan looked to introduce new, or revised planning policies to help further address the imperative of the climate emergency, improve health and wellbeing and address the ecological emergency. In addition, the report included a summary of the proposed draft policies as well as details of previous statutory and non-statutory consultation that had informed them.


Prior to the meeting Board Members had been provided with supplementary information in the form of a revised ‘Water 6A: Safe Access and Egress’ policy section within Appendix 1 to this report, which it was noted, had been updated in light of the Government’s amended Planning Practice Guidance of 25 August 2022.


By way of introduction to the report the Executive Member for Infrastructure and Climate highlighted the key aspects and objectives of the draft policies, how they were ambitious and aspirational in nature, and how they were consistent with the Council’s relevant existing plans and strategies. In conclusion, the Executive Member extended her thanks to all who had contributed towards developing the policies to date.


Responding to a Member’s comments regarding the importance of ensuring that the associated consultation process was meaningful and fully accessible, assurance was provided that this would be the case, that different methods of consultation would be undertaken to maximise the response received, and that an engagement plan was being drawn up to support such matters.


A Member commented upon the key role played by developers in the delivery of sustainable developments and housing. In response, the importance of the Council’s relationship with developers across the city was highlighted, and how the development of the policies being presented together with the associated engagement with developers, alongside consultation with communities and other key stakeholders, was key to ensuring that progress continued to be made in the field of sustainable development. 


Also, a Member highlighted the importance of ensuring that further consideration was given to the ways in which greenspace and landscaping, which formed part of developments, were maintained in the longer term and, where appropriate, how the community could influence how it was utilised, and how such matters could be factored into the Local Plan process.  In response, Members’ comments were noted and whilst it was acknowledged that there were challenges in this area, it was envisaged that the proposed policies would strengthen the Council’s position in terms of place making and greenspace.



(a)  That subject to the incorporation of the updated ‘Water 6A: Safe Access and Egress’ policy section within Appendix 1, as referenced above, the proposed Publication Draft policies and supporting paragraphs of the Local Plan Update 1, as set out in Appendix 1, and the Sustainability Appraisal, as set out in Appendix 2, be endorsed;


(b)  That subject to the incorporation of the updated ‘Water 6A: Safe Access and Egress’ policy section within Appendix 1, as referenced above, 8 weeks consultation of the proposed Publication Draft policies and supporting paragraphs as set out in Appendix 1, together with supporting technical information (comprising Sustainability Appraisal at Appendix 2, Habitat Regulations Assessment at Appendix 3, Report of Consultation at Appendix 4 and Duty to Co-operate Statement at Appendix 5), be approved; with it being noted that this will be accompanied by additional draft supporting consultation documentation, including the Council’s evidence base and background papers alongside accessible summary material for consultation purposes;


(c)  That the necessary authority be delegated to the Chief Planning Officer, in consultation with the Executive Member for Infrastructure and Climate, in order to enable the Chief Officer to approve any detailed technical or drafting amendments to the consultation material in advance of public consultation;


(d)  That it be noted that the Chief Planning Officer is responsible for the implementation of the resolutions above.


(The matters referred to within this minute, given that they were decisions being made in accordance with the Budget and Policy Framework Procedure Rules, were not eligible for Call In, as Executive and Decision Making Procedure Rule 5.1.2 states that the power to Call In decisions does not extend to those decisions being made in accordance with the Budget and Policy Framework Procedure Rules)


(During the consideration of this item, Councillor Golton drew to the Board’s attention the fact that he was Vice President of Leeds Allotment Federation)

Supporting documents: