Agenda item

Working Groups Update

To receive a verbal update on the progress of the Committees’ working groups to date


The Chairs of the Working Groups (WG) provided an update on the progress of the working groups since the last Committee meeting:  


Community and Business EngagementCouncillor M Shahzad outlined how the WG had set three questions in order to consider how we will communicate with residents and enhance our engagement with the city.  

1)  How can we reach people where they are, rather than where we want them to be? The   right message needs to get out to the right people at right place and time as sometimes the message is not clear, or not tailored to the characteristics of the community. Actions proposed included sending a quarterly email to collect information on planned local events so that the climate engagement team can attend the events and meet local people and have quality climate conversations.  Additionally the engagement team could attend a future Youth Summit meeting. The WG also reviewed the availability of climate change information on the LCC website, and agreed that work would be undertaken to collate the information into a more streamlined offer which will be easier to share.   

2)  How to discuss key climate issues appropriately and make them relevant? It was considered that linking them to the cost of living crisisby showing the benefits that change can offer would resonate with residents, an example being to use trusted local businessto provide key messages, such as the local plumber who invested in an electric vanto save running costs. 

3)  How do we engage a new audience? The WG considered this can be achieved by securing partnerships with internal/external teams on co-issues highlighted by climate action, there was a proposal for the SEAQ team to visit the Community Committees and to take climate action discussions to community spaces and events unrelated to climate action events. 


Infrastructure, Planning and Buildings – Councillor Dye reported on two presentations received by the WG  

·  Update on the net zero housing plan. Discussions had focussed on key actions to follow up; including the establishment of a ‘Better Homes Hub’, retrofit work, how we view new build development and low carbon homes. Proposals to create a map of retrofit opportunities across the city, to develop an engagement plan, and to review how to develop the skills needed to achieve net zero were also highlighted. 

·  Feasibility study of using Solar energy. The presentation was provided by Arup. 


Noting the detail of the presentations provided to the IPG WG it was agreed that the Chief Officer Sustainable Energy and Air Quality will review the presentations prior to them being shared with the Committee to ensure they contain no commercially sensitive information. 


Discussions noted the following points: 

The Big Bus Chat – Members and residents were invited to take part in the West Yorkshire Mayor led Big Bus Chat, on the themes of bus transport being safe and inclusive, better connected and de-carbonised, as part of the plan to improve the network. 

Working Group (WG) updates – Although WG meetings are not formally minuted for inclusion in Committee agenda, it was noted that actions arising from the WGs are fed back to the Committee and the webcast of the Committee meetings can be shared widely with interested groups. It was agreed that invitations to attend WGs be re-sent to all Councillors to encourage wider attendance. 


RECOMMENDED – To note the content of the updates provided.