To receive and consider the attached report of the Chief Planning Officer regarding an application for a multi-generation building comprising a primary school, nursery, 72 bed care home, 80 flats and café at Sayner Lane and Clarence Road,Hunslet, Leeds
The report of the Chief Planning Officer presented an application for a multi-generation building comprising a primary school, nursery, 72 bed care home, 80 flats and a café at Sayner Lane and Clarence Road, Hunslet Leeds.
Members visited the site prior to the meeting and site plans and photographs were displayed and referred to throughout the discussion of the application.
The following was highlighted in relation to the application:
· The site was a brownfield site and allocated for development under the Aire Valley Action Plan.
· The original plan to have a buffer between the site and glassworks was not to be carried through. Air quality and noise reports had been agreed with Environmental Health and there would be mechanical ventilation to avoid any amenity problems.
· There would be the provision of 80 apartments, a 72 bed care home, provision for a primary school, a nursey and a café.
· The proposals were for the scheme to be relatively traffic free with some parking spaces for the care home and disabled parking.
· Tree planting was proposed to be in excess of the guidelines but there would be a commuted sum if that was not achievable.
· There would be a commuted sum for the biodiversity shortfall on site.
· The apartments were all considered to be policy compliant with full delivery of affordable and accessible housing.
· Carbon saving – council and building regulation standards would be exceeded.
· Floor plans for the development were displayed.
· Off site highways works and delivery would include parking, requirements for traffic calming, crossing points and traffic islands. These would be conditioned as part of the application. There would also be a commuted sum to off site traffic regulation orders.
· The proposals were not considered to be harmful to nearby listed buildings.
In response to questions and comments from the Panel, the following was discussed:
· With regards to connectivity the application was part of a wider estate and works were already underway on other sites which included public access routes and a footbridge over the river.
· There was education provision for older children in the local area and there had not been any concerns raised by Children’s Services regarding provision for older children.
· There would be natural surveillance for the pedestrian routes as they ran through residential areas. There would also be street lighting.
· There would not be a specific pick up and drop off point for the school but would be some opportunity for short stay parking on surrounding streets. Pupils and staff would be encouraged not to travel by car.
· There was no provision for a GP surgery within this scheme but in the wider estate there was opportunity to provide space for a GP surgery and this could be considered for future phases.
· Data had shown that people living in this kind of development reduced their car ownership.
· The cheapest properties provided in the area would be approximately £140,000. Affordable properties would be available throughout the scheme and would be developed to the same quality as other properties.
· Provision of job opportunities for people who would be occupying the development.
· Members were broadly supportive of the application although there was some concern regarding the lack of car parking for the school and whether this could work both for the school staff and without causing highway issues.
RESOLVED - That the application be deferred and delegated to the Chief Planning Officer for approval subject to the specified conditions set out in Appendix 1 (and any others which he may consider appropriate) and the completion of a Section 111 agreement under the Local Government Act 1972 and a Section 106 agreement to include the following obligations:
· Affordable Housing 7% - 4 x 1 bedroom apartments on the first floor and 2 x 2 bedroom apartments on the second floor. Four of these will be for social rent and 2 for intermediate affordable housing. In the interests of mix, at least one of the 2 bedroom units should be for social rent.
· Traffic Regulation Order to manage any overspill parking issues in the surrounding area as a result of the development: £25,000.
· City Centre/fringe wayfinding scheme for improved signage: £20,000
· Travel Plan and Travel Plan Monitoring Fee of £3,377 for the Residential Travel Plan and £3,377 for the School Travel Plan, both subject to an annual increase for inflation.
· Residential Travel Plan Fund £20,640.
· Co-operation with Local Jobs and Skills Initiatives.
· Tree replacement. A financial contribution may be required based on CAVAT assessment of tree removal if the replacement of trees according to planning policy cannot be achieved on site.
· Greenspace – 1,822sqm of green space to be laid out on site according to an agreed drawing and £18,850.11 to be paid as an off-site commuted sum.
· Biodiversity net gain contribution of £33,250 towards biodiversity improvements in Leeds.
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