Agenda item

Single Tenant Voice Panel

Minutes to be read alongside report provided by IM.


6.1. IM – Discussed part 1. Role of Tenant Voice Panel.


TSB questions:


JG – Stated what was being proposed would create a lot of work for Tenant Engagement Team. Are there enough staff and if not will there be recruitment to the team?

IM – We have slightly fewer staff; Housing Leeds has kept as many tenant engagement staff as possible. Staffing resource is aligned locally, we also have a group of staff that support the TEO’s and run city wide activity like this panel. The activity of the new panel requires less resource than administering the former involvement structure and will aim to reach and involve a wider audience, and be less costly in terms of running costs needed to support.

JG – Is the TVP being proposed to reduce spending then?

IM – It’s not a cost saving activity, it’s using resource to better effect so that we reduce the duplication between forums, the previously hierarchal nature of forums and respond to feedback from people in groups that they couldn’t there were barriers whereby they felt able to contribute to some things, but not others.


SB – In respect of the local Tenant Engagement Officers, will specific officers be given responsibility for the entire city or only responsible for own areas as currently?
IM – Local Tenant Engagement Officers look work across the city and we have no intention to change that. These officers have a range of responsibilities, supporting local HAPS and tenant groups for example and by the nature of each locality being different, they all have different project activity. Their role is different to supporting the TVP, they have a local focus but will be able to help in promoting and raising the profile of overall panel activity.


SE – Is there a commitment from staff to focus on TVP and engaging with tenants given the new social housing regulatory standards?

IM – Yes, the creation of this more inclusive panel is supported at a senior level the organisation, and our Service Plan for 22/23 makes clear the importance of listening and responding to the tenant voice.  Our progress on how well we listen and respond to tenant feedback overall will then be assessed against the regulators ‘consumer standards’ – and it’s important that we meet these as well as possible.


NB – Prior to these changes have you consulted with others nationally about  what trying to do?

IM – Yes and the board have too, an independent advisor came to speak to the board as part of this review, and officers regularly attend sessions with other landlords.  Many landlords are in a similar position in terms of reviewing their engagement offer post covid, taking what can learn from the greater use of technology and having to make best use of resources as possible.  Suspect once implemented, other landlords will be asking Leed how we are getting on so they can learn from our experiences.


JG – Who will monitor if is working or not?

IM – One of the roles of the new panel is to help hold us to account.  So we’ll report to the panel how we are performing against the regulators consumer standards and so that panel can assess/comment on what our progress has been, and what are priorities etc need to now be. We’ll also summarise the feedback from the panel about our performance against the standards to the  Strategic Housing Board.


JG – It’s important that the new regulatory standards are set out clearly and are easy to understand for the tenants in the new panel who will be involved. Is there a plan for this?  SE – Will all Housing LCC staff be trained on the new standards?

IM – The role of the regulator is becoming greater, and we need to make sure that the panel and staff are familiar about the standards, what these mean and how we monitor our performance against them.  In recent years the role of the regulator has been relatively light touch but this is changing and we need to ensure we can satisfy tenants and the regulator that we are open and honest about our performance, how we are doing and give tenants the opportunity to influence this.  This is something we have also committed to in our Service Plan for 22/23.


6.2. IM discussed Part 2 of report: Recruitment and Membership


TSB Questions:


JG – If Cllr Anderson remains Chair of the Communities, Housing and Environment Scrutiny Board, and would like me to report on progress.

IM – Happy to participate and describe to the scrutiny board what the changes are and take input from them also.


NB – Will there be a contract for prospective TVP members to sign so they are aware of what is expected of them?

IM – There will be an short application process and within that a summary of the behaviour which we will expect.  So by applying they will agree to ‘treat each other with respect’ for example.  We have previously found that lots of long documents can put people off from coming forward, so trying to keep simple and accessible. Do not envisage there ever being any confidential information shared at TVP meetings.


JG – What I see is that not everyone will be interested on all issues, how will you work around that?

IM – Each session will be directed at the people who are interested in that topic.


JG – Will the present Strategic Housing Board representatives be in post until 2023? And after that potentially selected from the TVP?

IM – For continuity the current Strategic Housing Board reps will stay in post. When it is time for reselection, we will then be able to go to the wider TVP so the opportunity is open to a wider group of people.


JW – Just looking at the 10% membership to be leaseholders, does that mean TVP members could be non-tenants?

SB – When you say leaseholders are you referring to the person living in the property or the person on the lease?

IM – It would be directed at the person living in the home. There would be caveats to this and we will look at that, but we want to make the TVP accessible as possible. This also applies to residents.


Comfort Break 12:55 – 1pm


6.3. Ian discussed Part 3 of the report: How the panel is run


TSB Questions:


JG – Are there going to be any votes or decision making on the TVP?

IM – We don’t envisage the TVP being asked to formally vote – it’s more about identifying preferences, priorities and ideas to help us be better. The TVP is also a wider group that is there as a consultative body to hold us to account. Where we are being honest about where we are and getting positive or constructive feedback. YVL could set up a ballot or mini-poll - but can’t think of a situation where this would be needed.


JG – Will this panels feedback contradict STAR Survey feedback?

IM – We don’t plan on asking TVP members the same questions that are on the STAR Survey. There will be sessions to test and challenge us on improvement plans. We may say that a sample of tenants have this opinion, is this how you feel also?


JG – When feedback is given on YVL it takes a lot of time to be answered, the speed of it needs to improve. 

IM – We need to make sure we respond in a timely way as possible – or if our comments come at the end of a consultation – that we’re clear about this to residents. 


SB – Will you ensure all staff are kept up to date with changes as they happen? Sometimes I know things before my Housing Officer does.
IM – we try and keep staff updated as much as possible, through regular team meetings, updates and our internal communications and staff bulletin. 


JG - Remember that people not using technology must find a way to enter this panel.


6.4. Ian discussed part 4 of report: Relationship with the TSB and wider Framework


JG discussed the terms of reference for the TSB. Important to note that aspects may change, to incorporate the TVP and the more flexible approach to membership for example. Will have that conversation and bring it back next time.