Agenda item

Executive Questions

To deal with executive questions in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 11.


Q1  Councillor Flynn to the Executive Member (Economy, Culture and Education):-


Could the Executive Member please provide me with the number of initial applications for EHCPs awaiting assessment and the total number of EHCPs in existence?


The Executive Member (Economy, Culture and Education) replied.


Q2  Councillor Howley to the Executive Member (Infrastructure and Climate):-


Given recent news of mis-reporting of night time flight data from Leeds Bradford Airport to the Council would the Member for Infrastructure and Climate explain what the Council proposes to do to ensure the validity of the information submitted and agree to bring a report to the relevant Council Panel/Board?


The Executive Member (Infrastructure and Climate) replied.


Q3  Councillor Dowson to the Leader of Council:-


Please can the Leader update council on what he would like to see in the Government’s Autumn Statement tomorrow?


The Leader of Council replied.


Q4  Councillor Blackburn to the Executive Member Environment and Housing):-


Could the Executive Member for Environment and Housing tell me what steps are being taken to make sure those households with wheel out refuse collections, which are constantly being missed, receive the service they are offered?’


The Executive Member (Environment and Housing) replied.


Q5  Councillor Garthwaite to the Executive Member (Resources):-


Can the Executive Member please update Council on what is happening with the White Ribbon campaign this year?


The Executive Member (Resources) replied.


Q6  Councillor Smith to the Executive Member (Infrastructure and Climate):-


Will the Executive Member for Infrastructure and Climate please outline the process through which utility companies must adhere in order to complete works on the highway?


The Executive Member (Infrastructure and Climate) replied.


At the conclusion of question time, the following questions remained unanswered and it was noted that, under the provisions of Council Procedure Rule 11.6, written answers would be sent to each Member of Council:-


Q7  Councillor Chapman to the Executive Member (Resources):-


Q8  Councillor Flint to the Executive Member (Economy, Culture and Education):-


Q9  Councillor Dobson to the Executive Member (Public Health and Active Lifestyles):-


Q10  Councillor Jenkins to the Executive Member (Children and Adult’s Social Care and Health Partnerships).


Q11  Councillor B Anderson to the Executive Member (Infrastructure and Climate).


Q12  Councillor Chapman to the Executive Member (Communities).


Q13  Councillor Khan to the Executive Member (Communities).


Q14  Councillor Wadsworth to the Executive Member (Environment and Housing).


Q15  Councillor Chapman to the Executive Member (Public Health and Active Lifestyles).


Q16  Councillor Stephenson to the Leader of Council


Q17  Councillor Campbell to the Executive Member (Infrastructure and Climate).


Q18  Councillor Buckley to the Executive Member (Infrastructure and Climate).


Q19  Councillor Campbell to the Executive Member (Public Health and Active Lifestyles).


Q20  Councillor Firth to the Executive Member (Resources).


Q21  Councillor Campbell to the Executive Member (Public Health and Active Lifestyles).


Q22  Councillor Robinson to the Executive Member (Infrastructure and Climate).


Q23  Councillor Hart-Brooke to the Executive Member (Infrastructure and Climate).


Q24  Councillor Firth to the Leader of Council.


Q25  Councillor Hart-Brooke to the Executive Member (Environment and Housing).


Q26  Councillor Robinson to the Leader of Council.


Q27  Councillor Downes to the Executive Member (Resources).


Q28  Councillor C Anderson to the Executive Member (Infrastructure and Climate).


Q29  Councillor Golton to the Executive Member (Public Health and Active Lifestyles).


Q30  Councillor Firth to the Executive Member (Environment and Housing).


Q31  Councillor B Anderson to the Executive Member (Environment and Housing).


Q32  Councillor Robinson to the Executive Member (Economy, Culture and Education).

Q33  Councillor Firth to the Executive Member (Environment and Housing).


Q34  Councillor Robinson to the Executive Member (Infrastructure and Climate).


Q35  Councillor Firth to the Executive Member (Public Health and Active Lifestyles).


Q36  Councillor Stephenson to the Executive Member (Communities).


Q37  Councillor Firth to the Leader of Council.


Q38  Councillor Robinson to the Executive Member (Infrastructure and Climate).


Q39  Councillor Firth to the Executive Member (Resources).


Q40  Councillor Firth to the Executive Member (Resources).



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