To deal with executive questions in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 11.
Q1 Councillor Wadsworth to the Executive Member (Environment and Housing):-
Would the Executive Member please update Council with the current policy on vehicle obstruction in relation to refuse vehicles?
The Executive Member (Environment and Housing) replied.
Q2 Councillor Howley to the Executive Member (Environment and Housing):-
Would the Executive Member for Environment and Housing please tell us how many damp and mould cases in Council owned housing are outstanding, where these are in the city, and the age of these cases?
The Executive Member (Environment and Housing) replied.
Q3 Councillor Dowson to the Leader Of Council:-
Please could the Leader of Council provide an update on the Government’s Fair Funding Review and the impact for Leeds City Council?
The Leader Of Council replied.
Q4 Councillor Dobson to the Executive Member (Economy, Culture and Education):-
In light of the cost-of-living crisis and the Administration again looking to increase Council Tax at next month’s budget does the Executive Board Member with responsibility for Economy, Culture and Education agree with me that Leeds 2023 is an expensive, ill-conceived vanity project?
The Executive Member (Economy, Culture and Education) replied.
Q5 Councillor Renshaw to the Executive Member (Environment and Housing):-
Please could the Executive Member for Housing & Environment provide an update on the work of the Serious Environmental Crime Team in tackling fly-tipping in the city.
The Executive Member (Environment and Housing) replied.
At the conclusion of question time, the following questions remained unanswered and it was noted that, under the provisions of Council Procedure Rule 11.6, written answers would be sent to each Member of Council:-
Q6 Councillor Richards to the Executive Member (Environment and Housing):-
Q7 Councillor Chapman to the Executive Member (Infrastructure and Climate):-
Q8 Councillor Jenkins to the Executive Member (Adult and Children’s Social Care & Health Partnerships):-
Q9 Councillor Hutchison to the Executive Member (Adult and Children’s Social Care & Health Partnerships):-
Q10 Councillor Burke to the Executive Member (Public Health & Active Lifestyles).
Q11 Councillor Smith to the Executive Member (Public Health & Active Lifestyles).
Q12 Councillor Golton to the Executive Member (Public Health & Active Lifestyles).
Q13 Councillor Marshall-Katung to the Executive Member (Economy, Culture and Education).
Q14 Councillor Carlisle to the Executive Member (Infrastructure and Climate).
Q15 Councillor Khan to the Executive Member (Communities).
Q16 Councillor Buckley to the Executive Member (Public Health & Active Lifestyles).
Q17 Councillor Chapman to the Executive Member (Adult and Children’s Social Care & Health Partnerships).
Q18 Councillor Dixon to the Executive Member (Environment and Housing).
Q19 Councillor C Anderson to the Executive Member (Environment and Housing).
Q20 Councillor Hart-Brooke to the Executive Member (Economy, Culture and Education).
Q21 Councillor Blackburn to the Executive Member (Environment and Housing).
Q22 Councillor B Anderson to the Executive Member (Infrastructure and Climate).
Q23 Councillor Golton to the Executive Member (Environment and Housing).
Q24 Councillor Robinson to the Executive Member (Public Health & Active Lifestyles).
Q25 Councillor Golton to the Executive Member (Infrastructure and Climate).
Q26 Councillor B Anderson to the Executive Member (Infrastructure and Climate).
Q27 Councillor Golton to the Leader of Council.
Q28 Councillor Smith to the Executive Member (Economy, Culture and Education).
Q29 Councillor B Anderson to the Executive Member (Public Health & Active Lifestyles).
Q30 Councillor B Anderson to the Executive Member (Infrastructure and Climate).
Q31 Councillor Stephenson to the Executive Member (Resources).
Q32 Councillor Firth to the Executive Member (Infrastructure and Climate).
Q33 Councillor S Seary to the Executive Member (Public Health & Active Lifestyles).
Q34 Councillor Firth to the Executive Member (Economy, Culture and Education).
Q35 Councillor D Seary to the Executive Member (Infrastructure and Climate).
Supporting documents: