Agenda item

White Paper Motion (in the name of Councillor Lewis) - Public Services

This Council believes the people of Leeds deserve public services they can rely on, including local council services, the NHS, Police, Fire and Rescue, and Schools. Council believes the current Government has no mandate to impose further cuts to public spending on these vital services and therefore calls upon the Prime Minister to call a General Election as soon as possible.



It was moved by Councillor Lewis, seconded by Councillor Coupar that this Council believes the people of Leeds deserve public services they can rely on, including local council services, the NHS, Police, Fire and Rescue, and Schools. Council believes the current Government has no mandate to impose further cuts to public spending on these vital services and therefore calls upon the Prime Minister to call a General Election as soon as possible.


An amendment was moved by Councillor Blackburn, seconded by Councillor Cunningham


Add “This Council also believes legislative changes are needed to enable our nation to deal with Climate Change.” after the first sentence.


Add “need a new mandate to deliver on climate change, therefore council” after “vital services and” in the second sentence.


The amended white paper will read:-


This Council believes the people of Leeds deserve public services they can rely on, including local council services, the NHS, Police, Fire and Rescue, and Schools. This Council also believes legislative changes are needed to enable our nation to deal with Climate Change. Council believes the current Government has no mandate to impose further cuts to public spending on these vital services and need a new mandate to deliver on climate change, therefore council calls upon the Prime Minister to call a General Election as soon as possible.


A second amendment was moved by Councillor Cohen, seconded by Councillor Stephenson


Insert the words “a minimum level of” before “public services” in the first line.


Delete all after “and Schools” in the first line, and replace with:


“Council calls on the administration in Leeds to urgently undertake a more comprehensive consultation on their own budget proposals, as they would have a direct impact on Leeds residents, and further calls on the administration to take responsibility for their own spending decisions and delivery of services in vital areas such as refuse collection, housing, and highways.”


Motion would read:


“This Council believes the people of Leeds deserve a minimum level of public services they can rely on, including local council services, the NHS, Police, Fire and Rescue, and Schools.


“Council calls on the administration in Leeds to urgently undertake a more comprehensive consultation on their own budget proposals, as they would have a direct impact on Leeds residents, and further calls on the administration to take responsibility for their own spending decisions and delivery of services in vital areas such as refuse collection, housing, and highways.”


A third amendment was moved by Councillor Golton, seconded by Councillor Campbell


For the first sentence, delete all after “they can rely on” and replace with “whoever is elected to deliver them.”


The amended white paper will read:-


This Council believes the people of Leeds deserve public services they can rely on whoever is elected to deliver them.


The amendments in the name of Councillor Blackburn, Councillor Cohen and Councillor Golton were declared lost and upon being put to the vote it was


RESOLVED – That this Council believes the people of Leeds deserve public services they can rely on, including local council services, the NHS, Police, Fire and Rescue, and Schools. Council believes the current Government has no mandate to impose further cuts to public spending on these vital services and therefore calls upon the Prime Minister to call a General Election as soon as possible.


On the requisition of Councillor Blackburn and Forsaith the voting on the amendment in the name of Councillor Blackburn was recorded as follows;


YES - 8


Blackburn, Carlisle, Cunningham, Forsaith, Campbell, Chapman, Golton and Lay


NO - 69


Akhtar, Almass, Arif, Bowden, Bromley, Brooks, Burke, Carlill, Coupar, Dowson, Dye, Farley, Flint, France-Mir, Garthwaite, Gibson, Grahame, Gruen, Hamilton, Harland, Hayden, Heselwood, A Hussain, Z Hussain, Illingworth, Iqbal, Jenkins, Khan, Lennox, Lewis, Maloney, Marshall-Katung, Martin, McKenna, Midgley, Mulherin, Pryor, Rafique, Renshaw, Ritchie, Scopes, Sewards, Shahzad, Sharpe, Taylor, Thomson, Truswell, Tudor, Venner, Wilson, Wray, Alderson, B Anderson, C Anderson, Buckley, Amanda Carter, Cohen, Firth, Flynn, Foster, Harrington, Lamb, Richards, Robinson, D Seary, S Seary, Smith, Stephenson and Wadsworth.




Finnigan and Newton.


On the requisition of Councillor Lennox and Pryor the voting on the motion in the name of Councillor Lewis was recorded as follows;


YES - 59


Akhtar, Almass, Arif, Bowden, Bromley, Brooks, Carlill, Coupar, Dowson, Dye, Farley, Flint, France-Mir, Garthwaite, Gibson, Grahame, Gruen, Hamilton, Harland, Hayden, Heselwood, A Hussain, Z Hussain, Illingworth, Iqbal, Jenkins, Khan, Lennox, Lewis, Maloney, Marshall-Katung, Martin, McKenna, Midgley, Mulherin, Pryor, Rafique, Renshaw, Ritchie, Scopes, Sewards, Shahzad, Sharpe, Smart, Taylor, Thomson, Truswell, Tudor, Venner, Wilson, Wray, Blackburn, Carlisle, Cunningham, Forsaith, Campbell, Chapman, Golton and Lay.


NO - 18


Alderson, B Anderson, C Anderson, Buckley, Amanda Carter, Cohen, Firth, Flynn, Foster, Harrington, Lamb, Richards, Robinson, D Seary, S Seary, Smith, Stephenson and Wadsworth.




Burke, Finnigan and Newton.

Supporting documents: