The report of the Chief Planning Officer requests consideration for a residential development of eight new dwellings with new access road, associated landscaping and parking, at Former Co-op Car Park, Off Oakwell Mount, Gledhow, Leeds, LS8 4AD.
Further to the minutes of the meeting held on 28th July 2022, the report of the Chief Planning Officer presented an application for a residential development of eight new dwellings with new access road, associated landscaping, and parking, at Former Co-op Car Park, Off Oakwell Mount, Gledhow, Leeds, LS8 4AD.
This application was heard at the Plans Panel held 28th July 2022 where Panel Members highlighted several issues to be addressed before the application could be supported.
Panel Members were informed of the following information:
· A further 4 letters of representation were received from members of the public regarding inadequate public consultation, the reference made to the meeting with the public being inaccurate, the scheme has not changed, the height of houses, the amount of material moved to create the access drive and number 29 bordering onto the access point.
· There had been an issue raised about public speaking at the meeting, but due to no new significant material planning considerations being brought forward as part of the scheme since the application was reported to Panel in July 2022, it was agreed with officers and the Chair that in accordance with the council’s Public Speaking Protocol there would be no public speaking this at this Panel. This approach remained consistent with the Protocol and the approach taken in other Panel meetings, in accordance with Chair’s discretion on the matter.
· The site is a former car parking area, including the embankment and a strip of land in between 2 properties where access will be located to the development.
· The site is located within Oakwood Town Centre and is not in a Conservation Area. The boundary of the Roundhay Conservation Area is located to the northeast and to the east of the site.
· The proposal seeks approval for eight semi-detached dwellings set across four blocks.
· Each dwelling will have private car parking spaces, some with garages.
· Two of the mature trees at the access point are proposed to be removed.
· Residents at house No. 29 are concerned over the stability of their house, the impact on the proposed access and amenity. Residents at house No. 31 spoke in favour of the proposals.
· An alternative access point off Gledhow Rise cannot be considered due to issues in terms of delivering a road of a suitable design considering the change in levels. It was also noted that to achieve a road of an adoptable standard car parking spaces will need to be removed and the owners of the store were not willing to sell their land.
· The applicant carried out meetings with local ward members and residents at No’s. 29 and 31 Oakwell Mount regarding the proposed access point.
· Additional trees are proposed to be planted as well as hedging.
· Amenity space in some of the rear gardens are limited because of the embankment.
· The Nature Conservation Officer has commented that the embankment ‘maybe’ better off being separated from the proposed site with no access. It was acknowledged that this would leave dwellings with short gardens and therefore officers believed the original recommendation should remain. It is considered that the proposal accords with policy G9 in not having an adverse impact on the Leeds Habitat Network and retains trees with additional proposed tree planting and landscaping. There will be a woodland management plan to include no lighting, no structures, leaving of dead wood and no introduction of non-native species.
In response to questions from Panel Members, the following information was confirmed:
· Legal colleagues will check conditions to ensure they are enforceable and can be complied with prior to the decision notice being issued.
· The developer intends to use a fence between the car park and proposed site, with hedge planting along the natural fence.
· In response to concerns regarding the impact of traffic on No’s 29 and 31 at Oakwell Mount, it was agreed that officers can look at incorporating a speed limit in the construction management plan and a possible Traffic Regulation Order of a 10mph speed limit, as well as putting up a sheet in between the houses to suppress and protect residents from dust emissions. It was also confirmed that materials used for the access point will be blocked paving.
· Provisions are in place to protect integrity of drainage and falls within the responsibility of Yorkshire Water.
A comment was made that preference would be for the boundary treatment to the Home Bargains car park be either stone or brick, to mitigate any future anti-social behaviour related issues. It was also acknowledged that this will also stop headlights from cars disturbing residents of the proposed site.
After being put to the vote, it was moved and seconded,
RESOLVED – to defer and delegate approval to the Chief Planning Officer as outlined in the submitted report, subject to the following considerations:
Ø Legal colleagues to check over the list of conditions to be appended to the decision.
Ø To restrict speed as part of the construction management plan between houses 29 and 31 at the access point.
Ø For the boundary wall site to be a solid material either brick or stone to match with the development.
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