Agenda item

Leeds Health and Wellbeing Strategy refresh - a strategy to 2030 & The West Yorkshire Partnership Five Year Strategy refresh update

To consider the report of the Chief Officer of the Health Partnerships Team


The report of the Chief Officer of the Health Partnerships Team outlined the refreshed Health and Wellbeing Strategy.


The contents of the report was presented by the Strategy Partnership Development Manager for Health Partnerships, the Chief Officer for Health Partnerships and the Associate Director Of Strategy ICB. Board members were presented with an update on the refreshed Leeds Health and Wellbeing Strategy (HWS) refresh approach as the work initiated in 2020 before the Covid-19 pandemic, resumes.  Board members discussed that the proposed refreshed HWS approach was not a rewrite of the current HWS and would reaffirm key features of the existing strategy whilst also evolving the priorities to reflect the current context and wider approach to consolidating indicators.


The following was outlined,

·  the current 2016-2021 strategy (extended to 2023) has served the city well and will continue to be central to the refreshed strategy.

·  Key evidence including the Joint Strategic Assessment and feedback from patients, service users and people provided over the years has been used to shape the refresh.

·  Developments since 2016 including the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic, cost of living crisis, greater health and care integration, Best City Ambition and stronger interface with local, regional and national strategies, approaches and relationships will be inform the refreshed strategy approach

·  The proposed refreshed twelve priorities have been focused under three groupings people, place and productivity aligning to developments of other key strategic reviews such as the Inclusive Growth Strategy. These proposed priorities outline in the report were noted to be in the draft stages as  engagement with key stakeholders and groups will continue and a final working draft document will be presented to the Board in December 2022 followed by key committee engagement and a public launch of the strategy in June/July 2023

·  Ambitions for the document are to set out a narrative for the future, relate to experiences of citizens to a practical breadth of partnership involvement and action, integrate combined work plans across West Yorkshire to create a regional core strategy and ethos and to focus on challenges faced in the light of climate change and the cost of living crisis which may further contribute to inequalities and ties into the ambition to become a Marmot city.


The Board discussed the following matters:

·  The need to ensure there is recognition of the impact of digital exclusion and to support greater accessibility to engage with the development of the refreshed Leeds HWS strategy.

·  The necessity of the proposed re-branding and visual identity of Leeds Care and Health Partnerships was considered; it would need to be tailored toward the citizens of Leeds for local systems to deliver the ambitions..

·  The Leeds Big Chat 2021 had outlined areas for improvement through direct consultation with citizens with access to services being a common priority identified . The refreshed HWS strategy should have a demand based approach and tailor services to communities based on need for local provision.

·  Members were supportive of the idea of ‘holding our nerves’ and limiting the amount of priorities as delivering against them can be very complex, often generational issues.  Going forward need to ensure that the priorities explain past achievements and what is expected in the future within realistic timeframes. A good outcome from a clear health and wellbeing strategy should ensure care provision directs service users to the correct service or professional, including If priorities are changed too often it can be difficult to measure success.

·  Working with partners across West Yorkshire is essential to create a shared vision with clear priorities in terms of the West Yorkshire Partnership Five Year Strategy and it is important that this strategy is made up of local Health and Wellbeing Stragies. Members noted the language of the report made the strategy feel connected with other localities.

·  The ambition for Leeds to become a Marmot city was acknowledged and the refresh will align with established strategies such as the Healthy Leeds Plan and sets out a clearer narrative across all planned strategies for Health and Wellbeing.



a.)  That the approach outlined in the submitted report to refresh the Health and Wellbeing Strategy be endorsed.

b.)  To note the comments made during discussions and to agree the direction of travel regarding the Health and Wellbeing Strategy refresh as outlined in the report.

c.)  To agree to receive a further report on the Health and Wellbeing Strategy refresh in December 2022.


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