To consider the report of the Chief Officer Elections and Regulatory on an application for the grant of a premises licence for Woodhouse Charcoal BBQ, 14 The Crescent, Woodhouse, Leeds, LS6 2NW
The report of the Chief Officer Elections and Regulatory presented an application received from LBA Chinese Cuisine LTD for the grant of a premises licence for Woodhouse Charcoal BBQ, 14 The Crescent, Woodhouse, Leeds, LS6 2NW.
In summary the premises would operate as a restaurant and take-away and the application sought the following:
Sale by retail of alcohol (for consumption both on and off the premises) -
Sunday to Thursday 12:00 until 01:00
Friday & Saturday 12:00 until 02:00
Late night refreshment and recorded music -
Sunday to Thursday 23:00 until 01:00
Friday & Saturday 12:00 until 02:00
Mr L Wang, the General Manager and Designated Premises Supervisor of the premises attended the hearing.
The application had not attracted representations from the responsible authorities; however two representations had been received from local neighbourhood groups. Following discussions with the applicants agent, one representation had been withdrawn. Members noted that no one was in attendance to speak to the remaining representation from the North Hyde Park Neighbourhood Association and agreed to consider the submission in their absence.
The Legal Officer set out the procedure for the hearing and the Licensing Officer presented the application.
The Sub Committee heard from Mr Wang, who provided the following information:
· The premises lay within the route of “Otley Run” but its location meant it would not attract the groups who drank in the licensed premises on the route.
· The patrons were mainly from the Chinese Community who generally did not follow the Otley Run.
· Mr Wang confirmed that patrons would not be allowed to take open alcohol containers out of the premises.
· For customers who attend just before 12 midnight he would take their food order, but he wouldn’t take a food order after 12 midnight.
· He didn’t believe that the premises would add to the rubbish in the area.
In response to queries from the Sub Committee, Mr Wang provided the following:
· The applicant’s agent had liaised with the residents’ associations. The remaining representation was concerned about noise on Friday and Saturday nights; but not many customers actually ate in, students tended to collect and go.
· Noting that most nearby premises operated until 01:00 on Friday and Saturday, Mr Wang confirmed his intention to reduce the terminal hour to 01:00 or 12 midnight – after 12 midnight he would not accept new orders for food, but patrons could remain in the premises to eat their food. In response to a query, Mr Wang confirmed that he would accept a condition to reduce the terminal hours on Friday and Saturday to 01:00 for the provision of licensable activities, in line with the rest of the week, with the premises to close at 01:30 am.
· In response to a comment that many people who undertook the Otley Run didn’t complete it and would break off to eat, Mr Wang stated that the premises had been open for two weekends so far and he hadn’t experienced anything like that.
· The premises was only 20 sq. metres with seating at 6 tables. During the last two weeks, only students from the Chinese Community had eaten in. He also added that most of the literature in the premises was presented in Chinese.
The Sub Committee deliberated in private and carefully considered the report of the Chief Officer, Elections and Regulatory, the Statement of Licensing Policy and the representations submitted prior to the hearing. The Sub Committee noted the agreements reached with WYP and LCC EPT.
RESOLVED – To grant the application as amended at the hearing.
To clarify:
Sale by retail of alcohol (for consumption both on and off the premises) -
12:00 until 01:00 hours every day
Late night refreshment and recorded music -
23:00 until 01:00 hours every day
The premises to close at 01:30 hours
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