To receive and consider the attached report of the Chief Planning Officer regarding a pre-application presentation for proposed office buildings, residential development and new greenspace.
The report of the Chief Planning Officer informed Members about a pre-application proposal for the development of office buildings, residential space and new greenspace at Lisbon Street, Leeds.
Members attended the site prior to the meeting and site plans and photographs were displayed and referred to throughout the discussion of the proposals.
It was reported that the land was a key site on the Western gateway to the City Centre next to Lisbon Street and the former International Pool Site. There had been constructive discussions with the applicant throughout the development of the scheme and it was now felt appropriate to receive Members comments, particularly in relation to the scale and layout.
The applicant was invited to address the Panel. The following was highlighted:
· The site was between Wellington Street and the A58 and gave opportunity to connect this and other developments with the creation of public spaces.
· There had been meetings and workshops with council officers and adjacent landowners during the development of the proposals.
· There would be two office buildings and a residential building with associated public realm.
· The strategy for movement across the site focussed on pedestrians. There had been extensive consultation with highways for servicing arrangements and the scheme would include basement parking and provision for electric vehicle charging and cycle storage.
· CGI images of the proposals were displayed and pedestrian and cycle routes were highlighted.
· There would be double the amount of existing greenspace and over three and a half times the number of trees.
· Use of materials – sample materials were made available for the Panel to inspect. The use of glazed terracotta was proposed with different shadings on the office buildings and a lighter colour on the residential building.
· The residential building was designed for rental properties and would meet space standards. These would be highly enery efficient. There would be abundant amenity space including a sky lounge with panoramic views of the city.
A model of the proposals was displayed for Members to view.
In response to comments and questions, the following was discussed:
· More natural surveillance could be created on the northern edge with the use of more glazing and activity at ground floor level.
· Further to comments regarding the proposed white colour of the residential building, it was felt that the proposed “scalloped” detailing to the terracotta would ensure it does not look too bland and that a light colour would be more suitable inorder to provide a contrast to the glazing (which would appear dark during the day) and to other nearby buildings which would be red terracotta and brick finishes.
· The cill levels of the windows would prevent any furniture being on display from the outside of the residential building.
· Work was ongoing with the Health and Safety Executive regarding fire safety and West Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service would be consulted prior to the submission of a full application.
· The frontage to Wellington Street with the raised colonnade would provide an extra 6 metres of public realm which could provide opportunities for landscaping.
· The gap between the office buildings would be 6 metres and would give space for cycle ways and connectivity to cycle routes.
· The buildings would use electric power and energy efficiency was at the forefront of the plans including the use of renewable energy. It was suggested that further detail be brought to Panel at the full application stage regarding energy efficiency for the residential units.
· The proposed improvements to Wellington Street and provision of cycle routes were much needed.
· There would be an external terrace at first floor level for the use of all residents. Balconies in higher buildings tended to be under utilised (due to windy conditions and fear of heights) but there would be other amenity spaces.
· There would be greater amenity space due to the apartments being on a build to rent model.
· Concern regarding the cladding to be used on the lower floor of the residential building which gave an appearance of corrugated metal from the CGI images.
· Play area provision for young people – this would be considered.
· The Design Officer informed the Panel that the residential building would be an example of classic modernism and the design was supported by officers With regard to balconies, they would undermine the architectural approach. However the colours and shading of the building could be reconsidered. Also further consideration could be given to the style of cladding at the bottom of the building.
· A suggestion that more glazing could be used on the ground floor of the residential building.
· Whether a walkthrough presentation of the proposals could be provided.
· The need to maximise greenspace and amenity space both for residents and the occupants of the office space.
· The promotion of active travel measures was welcomed.
· The need to take affordable housing policy into account for the residential units.
· In response to questions outlined in the report, Members were generally supportive of the massing and design of the buildings. With regard to the emerging landscape proposals it was felt that there needed to be more emphasis on adequate facilities for families and for young people and children in particular (perhaps in conjunction with improved links to neighbouring sites where such facilities are planned or provided).
RESOLVED – That the presentation and discussion be noted.
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