Agenda item

Statement of Licensing Policy and Cumulative Impact Assessment 2022

To consider the report of the Chief Officer Elections and Regulatory which presents the Statement of Licensing Policy, which has been reviewed with partners and taken to a public consultation. Additionally the Authority has undertaken consultation on the Cumulative Impact Assessment and the report seeks approval of both the revised Statement of Licensing Policy 2023-2027, and Cumulative Impact Assessment 2023-2025 and approval to refer the Statement of Licensing Policy to Council for adoption



The Committee considered the report of the Chief Officer Elections and Regulatory which presented the Statement of Licensing Policy 2023-2027 and the Cumulative Impact Assessment 2023-2025. The report included a copy of the revised Statement of Licensing Policy at Appendix 1, with a copy of the revised Cumulative Impact Assessment attached as Appendix 2.


The Section Head, Entertainment Licensing introduced the report and highlighted the provisions of the Licensing Act 2003 which require the Licensing Authority (LA) to review its Statement of Licensing Policy every five years and any Cumulative Impact Assessments (CIA) every three years. Both documents had been reviewed with partners and taken through extensive consultation with Leeds MPs, all Councillors, community representatives, multi-agency partners, licensing trade representatives, and those premises in the cumulative impact areas.


A representation to the consultation from Councillor Cunningham, Armley ward, requested an extension of the existing Armley CIA to include the top end of Armley Town Street. Further work to collect data to evidence the need to extend the boundary would commence in the New Year, as although it was recognised that there were issues in that area, these were unreported and some of the work would be around how to encourage reporting issues/incidents to West Yorkshire Police which would provide an evidence base for future consideration.


The following matters were highlighted:


City Centre – The CIA boundary remains unchanged and data on the post pandemic recovery of the area will continue to be monitored. 


Headingley – The scope of the CIA remains unchanged however the boundary has been extended to encompass three licensed premises within the Weetwood ward as part of the “Otley Run”.


Holbeck – This new CIA covers a dense residential area which has seen a growth in off-licences, alcohol harms and on-street drinking. Premise Licence applicants for off-sales at any time can anticipate receiving representations.


During discussions the following matters were considered:


The impact of the Headingley CIA on existing and new businesses. Members were assured that the CIA did not prevent new businesses opening in Headingley or prevent applications for licensable activities, but allowed consideration of the nature of the business, whether it would impact negatively on the licensing objectives or add to problems experienced in Headingley.


The changing demographic of the Otley Run and the impact on locality. It was noted that historically the city’s student population had been the largest group of participants, but recently older working professionals, stag/hen parties and male-only groups had participated. People arrived by private coach earlier in the day, often having consumed alcohol already and continued drinking throughout the day and into the night. This in turn led to reports of anti-social behaviour through the day which prevented some local residents from visiting the town centre. The Committee heard of the work being done by the Entertainment Licensing Team with licensed premises to encourage and advise patrons on responsible behaviour. In response to a query regarding the process to secure an extension to the Public Spaces Protection Order for the Weetwood area within the Headingley CIA, Members noted that the Anti-Social Behaviour Team undertook this work.


The Holbeck CIA and the role of the Public Health Team. The Public Health Team in their capacity as a Responsible Authority are unable to make representations under the Licensing Act 2003 on health grounds, however data collected by the Public Health Team where linked to the licensing objectives could be used as evidence to support the Leeds Statement of Licensing Policy.


Small events held by Community/Cultural Groups. Members noted that it was not mandatory for organisers of such events to contact the Safety Advisory Group, however they are encouraged to do so to make use of the advice and guidance available and to inform the calendar of Leeds events.


Statement of Licensing Policy

• Schools – in respect of para 4.22 which asks applicants to have regard to “whether proposals may have a disproportionate impact in dense residential areas or near to sensitive premises” it was agreed that schools could be regarded as sensitive premises, as although this paragraph was intended to relate to applications for late night activities, depending on the hours of operation of a premises, schools could be impacted.


• Local Concerns - In respect of paras 6.34 – 6.35, it was acknowledged that areas of deprivation lay within the Hyde Park locality but it was not included within the list derived from the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment 2012, NHS Leeds.


The Committee commended officers for the work undertaken during the review of the Policy and CIA’s and



a)  That the Statement of Licensing Policy 2023-2027, and Cumulative Impact Assessment 2023-2025 be approved.

b)  That the Statement of Licensing Policy 2023-2027 be referred to Council for adoption.


Supporting documents: