To receive a report from the Director of Public Health which provides an update on progress towards Leeds becoming a Marmot City.
Last year the Adults, Health and Active Lifestyles Scrutiny Board had supported the proposal for Leeds to become a Marmot City to further build upon the existing commitments across all partners to reduce health inequalities and improve the health of the poorest the fastest. The Director for Public Health submitted a report to the Board which presented an update of progress regarding this work and the next steps.
The following were in attendance for this item:
· Councillor Fiona Venner, Executive Member for Adult and Children’s Social Care and Health Partnerships
· Councillor Salma Arif, Executive Member for Public Health and Active Lifestyles
· Victoria Eaton, Director of Public Health
· Tony Cooke, Chief Officer Health Partnerships
· Tim Fielding, Deputy Director of Public Health
The Executive Member for Public Health and Active Lifestyles provided an overview of the ambition and progress for Leeds becoming a Marmot City. The Board was informed that whilst there is no additional funding linked to becoming a Marmot City, it is expected to add additional pace and focus to the current work to address health inequalities through a range of ways. It was highlighted that the model and details of the approach are still to be developed further in the coming months and that significant progress has been made to ensure there is capacity and leadership for this programme of work within Public Health.
The Deputy Director of Public Health also briefly introduced the report and particularly highlighted that one of the key principles of the Marmot City approach in Leeds is the strategic alignment with the key strategies of the city, namely the three pillars of the Best City Ambition and the Healthy Leeds Plan.
While the programme will work to address health inequalities across the breadth of the Marmot principles, the Board was informed that arising from the earlier strategic discussions, the initial priorities will be focused around achieving the Best Start and on Housing.
The following areas were also discussed during the Board’s consideration of the report:
· It was noted that the original Marmot approach was established in response to the 2008 financial crisis which resonates with the current economic situation. However, in view of existing financial pressures the Board acknowledged the need to explore creative ways to maximise existing resources effectively.
· The Board recognised that the 8 policy areas that underpin the Marmot approach are vast and potentially extend beyond the Council’s own power of influence, thereby reinforcing the need for close partnership working across the city.
· The Board discussed the importance of developing effective methods of ongoing evaluation and measures of success.
· While acknowledging that no formal or informal consultation and engagement has taken place with Leeds residents, the Board learned that engagement discussions have been held with a wide range of internal stakeholders and a number of external partners to continue to inform the development of the approach. Moving forward, there will be engagement with Community Committee Health Champions to identify the opportunities to coordinate their work with the Marmot City approach.
Board Members praised officers for their work and detail in the report and were enthusiastic to progress to the next stages of becoming a Marmot City.
RESOLVED – That the contents of the report, along with Members comments, be noted.
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