To consider the report of the Chief Planning Officer informing the Development Plan Panel of the draft City Centre West: Innovation Arc Supplementary Planning Document (SPD), which provides a vision and development principles for future development in the area called the Innovation Arc.
The report of the Chief Planning Officer informed the Development Plan Panel of the draft City Centre West: Innovation Arc Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) which provides a vision and principles for future development in the area called the Innovation Arc.
The Principal Planner (Policy and Plans) introduced the SPD outlining the area covered by the SPD to the West of Leeds city centre, which has a diverse make up, containing anchor institutions like the universities and hospitals as well as residential areas, a business district and signification heritage buildings. The purpose of the SPD is to implement Local Plan policies within the context of the area, it will be a new material planning consideration and inform future delivery plans and funding bids. The principles of the SPD will have a positive impact on the councils three pillars of the Best City Ambition (Health and Wellbeing, Inclusive Growth, Zero Carbon), movement and connectivity, open public space, core and supporting uses, heritage, identity, people and culture.
The SPD divides the area into three key neighbourhoods which are;
· Woodhouse Gateway, containing 3 universities and small businesses with the intention to build a new city park in the area.
· Great George Street, containing Leeds General Infirmary with the intention to build 2 new hospital buildings, reusing heritage buildings and creating new green spaces.
· West End, largely made up of private sector institutions with the intention to establish the area as an innovation hub.
The SPD will be subject to two consultations, as legally required, which will occur from the 24th of October until the 12th of December 2022, the second preadoption consultation over spring 2023.
Members discussed the following key matters:
· The development principles, contained in the report, did not refer to affordable housing or student accommodation. Officers outlined that the SPD was building on existing policy, large housing developments are not anticipated, and these policy areas were noted to be under review through LPU2.
· The SPD, as proposed, amplifies and supplements existing policy when considering new development within the allocated area to preserve the heritage of the area while improving connectivity and sustainability. Neighbourhood planning policy, core strategy and the SPD will have to all be taken into account when considering planning applications within the area.
· Outline planning consent, along with consent for relevant demolition works were confirmed to be in place for the two new proposed hospitals in the Great George Street neighbourhood however concern was noted due to the funding not yet being secured.
· The three areas were considered to have a diverse range of needs and although the university and hospital estates are not open public land there should be some permeability to improve public routes in and out of the city. With the mixture of uses in the SPD area, openness and connectivity will help bring it together.
· Earlier neighbourhood consultation and engagement for the SPD would have given residents a choice for ambitions and priorities that work best for them.
a) That Members comments on the SPD as set out in Appendix 1 be noted.
b) That the public consultation on the SPD, commencing on the 24th October until the 12th December 2022 be noted.
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