Agenda item

Application for the Grant of a Premises Licence for Morley Cricket And Sports Club, Scatcherd Lane, Morley, Leeds, LS27 0JJ

To receive and consider the attached report of the Chief Officer (Elections and Regulatory) regarding an application for the grant of a premises licence, made by The General Committee of Morley Cricket & Sports Club, for Morley Cricket And Sports Club, Scatcherd Lane, Morley, Leeds, LS27 0JJ.



The report of the Chief Officer (Elections and Regulatory) submitted a report relating to an application for the grant of a premises licence, made by The General Committee of Morley Cricket & Sports Club, for Morley Cricket and Sports Club, Scatcherd Lane, Morley, Leeds, LS27 0JJ.


The following were in attendance for this item:

o  David Dowse, Trustee

o  Stephen Bamby, Club Chairman

o  Susan Matthew, Designated Premises Supervisor (DPS) / Bar Supervisor


The Legal Officer outlined the procedure to be followed, and the Licensing Officer presented the application.


In summary the application proposed to replace the existing club certificate and was for:

o  Sale by retail of alcohol, live music, recorded music, anything of a

similar description - Sunday to Thursday 08:00-23:00 and Friday and Saturday 08:00-23:59

o  Plays, films, indoor sporting events, performance of dance - Monday to Sunday 08:00-23:00

o  Late night refreshment - Sunday to Thursday 23:00-23:30 and Fridays and Saturday 23:00-00:30

o  Opening Hours - Sunday to Thursday 08:00-23:30 and Fridays and Saturday 08:00-00:30

o  Non-standard timings - Monday or Tuesday, which are official Bank Holiday dates, and New Year’s Eve until 01:00


A representations was received on behalf of Leeds City Council’s Environmental Protection Team and an agreement was reached to incorporate suggested measures in to  the operating schedule, resulting in the representation being withdrawn. Three representations were also received from members of the public opposing the application on the grounds of public nuisance, as well as a letter of support on behalf of a local ward councillor.


The Trustee of the premises provided an overview of the operations and management structure of the premises and explained the club are seeking to widen the number of people attending the club, without the need to apply for Temporary Event Notices (TENs) as this is resource intensive. It was confirmed that Committee Members of Morley Cricket Club do not benefit financially from the club and monies contribute towards sporting excellence and development.


Members were informed of challenges faced by the premises during the Covid-19 pandemic, affecting income streams, bar closures and not being able to hold private functions. The club seek to widen their clientele as well as introducing other sporting activities such as rounders, association football and women’s rugby league. Currently participants support their own sporting subscriptions and cannot afford to also pay subscriptions to become a club member.


The premises has become a base for community events such as:

·  Bonfire night

·  The annual Morley Beer Festival.

·  Wicket Fest showcasing several local bands, and proceeds were then put towards local charities. The last Wicket Fest event took place in 2019 and did not operate beyond 10pm.

·  In September 2022, a sponsored children’s heart foundation walk took place and utilised the cricket pitch boundary.

·  Covid-19 related events for people suffering loneliness.

The premises does not anticipate changing from a family friendly sporting base and it was noted that the times proposed are in line with other licenced premises in the area. The premises are generally not open Monday and Tuesday.


Further to questions from Sub-Committee members, the following was confirmed:

·  Representations relate to an incident which is approximately 0.6 miles away from the premises and does not relate to Morley Cricket Club. There are also other issues associated with some of the objectors outside of the remit of the licensing objectives and therefore do not raise operational representations.

·  There are external speakers outdoors but are small and there to create an atmosphere. It was noted that there has been an issue with fire doors being open during private events and the summer months, creating noise. Since then, an alarm has been fitted to the door to alert staff. Outdoor speakers will be switched off at 10pm and music stopped at 11pm indoors.

·  The premises are not intending to hold any further events and typically hold 3 per year. Should a premises licence be granted, the premises hope to hold more private functions and may look to resume Wicket Fest over the next few years.

·  Membership fees will still apply and offer a small discount on drinks for club members. Higher rates will be charged to people without a membership and those attending private functions.

·  The premises are happy to notify residents of events taking place and are keen to improve marketing in the local area to encourage people to use the facilities.

·  There has been a noise related issue approximately 10 years ago during Wicket Fest and since then, a mobile stage has been introduced to put the stage in a different place and sound levels have been monitored.


The Trustee of the Club summed up by explaining that the premises has been operating for many years, with no trouble and attracts young people to participate in sporting activities. The number of social members is declining, and the premises are looking to attract different clientele. The application is required to extend hours for organised events and private functions, as well as being able to sell alcohol to non-members. The premises are considered reasonable and have adapted their operating schedule to mitigate concerns raised by Leeds City Council’s Environmental Protection Team and the application is supported by local ward councillors.


The Sub Committee deliberated in private and in reaching its decision, considered the report of the Head of Elections, Licensing and Registration, including the written representations opposing the application.  The Sub Committee also had regard to the relevant provisions of the Licensing Act 2003, the Guidance issued under Section 182 of the Act and Leeds City Council’s Statement of Licensing Policy. The Sub Committee also considered the oral representations, contributions, and explanations from the Trustee, Club Chairman and DPS.


RESOLVED – To grant the application as applied for.


Supporting documents: