Agenda item

22/02200/FU - Stable Block, Mall Lane, Off Carlton Lane, Guiseley, Leeds, LS20 9PE

To receive and consider the attached report of the Chief Planning Officer regarding an application to demolish stable block and office and erect one dwelling house including alterations to form vehicle access at Stable Block, Mall Lane, Off Carlton Lane, Guiseley, Leeds, LS20 9PE.



The report of the Chief Planning Officer presented an application to demolish a stable block and office and erect a one dwelling house including alterations to form vehicle access at Stable Block, Mall Lane, Off Carlton Lane, Guiseley Leeds, LS20 9PE.


Members visited the site prior to the meeting and site plans and photographs were displayed and referred to throughout the discussion of the application


The Planning Officer presented the application and provided Panel Members with the following information:

·  The site is located on the South side of Otley Chevin within the Green Belt. Yeadon and Guiseley town centres are located approximately 2 kilometres to the South and Otley town centre 2 kilometres to the North.

·  The access road is substandard.

·  The immediate surroundings are a group of residential properties.

·  Stable block deemed to be previously developed land in National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF).

·  Has increased in height but still a similar scale. The roof increases the height of what is existing.

·  The proposal is for a 3 bedroom single storey property with an L shape gable projecting from the dwelling. The building will have large south facing windows.

·  Access off Moor Lane, using the existing access with a gravel driveway.

·  The original proposals included a simple block building rendered in stone. Officers felt a better approach was to break up the building, with a narrower slimmer building and pitched roof.


In response to questions from Panel members, the following was confirmed:

·  The use of air source heat pump has been discussed with the applicant, as well as exploring no use of gas on site.

·  It will be up to the developers to make improvements to the access road. The applicants have agreed in principle to incorporate a condition relating to materials.

·  The revised access route does not go on to third party land.

·  The barn will be retained and is the applicants ownership.

·  The applicant hasn’t indicated they will be bringing forward a proposal for a new stable block. It was noted that a new stable requires planning permission. A member raised concern that although there is no indication of a new stable, should an application come forward, this will be another incursion into the Green Belt.

·   There is no statutory definition of what is deemed an ‘isolated’ dwelling, and officers have taken the view that the dwelling is not isolated from other properties nearby and isn’t impractical. It was also confirmed that there are areas for service vehicles to turnaround and access the site.

·  The applicant has legal permission to use the lane.

·  Officers do not envisage a time when the road will be up for adoption. Whilst a request can be made for the road to be adopted, it was not considered it was likely to be accepted.


Whilst the majority of members supported the proposals before them, a number of members commented that they felt the proposal was not sympathetic of the Green Belt and considered the location to be isolated. Other Panel members felt it would not be a great impact on Green Belt. They also expressed that the replacement of the existing stables with another permanent structure of good design could be supported.


It was confirmed that a condition would not be allowed to refuse future development on site as this would restrict their legal rights.


Following a vote on the recommendation, it was moved and seconded:


RESOLVED – to grant permission.


Supporting documents: