Agenda item

Application for the grant of a premises licence for The Little Deli Co. 2 Haigh Moor Road Tingley Wakefield, WF3 1AA

To consider an application to grant a premises licence, made by The Little Deli Co. (Tingley) Limited, for The Little Deli Co., 2 Haigh Moor Road, Tingley, Wakefield, WF3 1AA


The report of the Chief Officer Elections and Regulatory advised Members of an application for the grant a premises licence, made by The Little Deli Co. (Tingley) Limited, for The Little Deli Co., 2 Haigh Moor Road, Tingley, Wakefield, WF3 1AA


In attendance at the meeting were:

·  Nick Semper, The Licensing Guys – Applicant’s Representative

·  Aisling Russell, The Licensing Guys – Applicant’s Representative

·  Sarah Shann, The Little Deli Co (Tingley) Limited – Applicant

·  Lynne Shann, The Little Deli Co (Tingley) Limited - Applicant



The Licensing Officer presented the application, providing the following information:

  • The premises operate as a small delicatessen counter and had applied for the sale by retail of alcohol, every day 08:00 – 19:00 (for consumption off the premises).
  • West Yorkshire Police had submitted a representation to the application, however agreements were reached between the applicant and West Yorkshire Police prior to the hearing and as a result the representation was withdrawn.
  • Two objections had been received from local residents, contained at Appendix D, the main concerns being the sale of alcohol and nuisance caused by deliveries to the premises. The applicant’s representative has provided a written response to the objectors to address the concerns detailed in their representations. One objector had advised they wished for their representation to remain and there has been no response from the other objector.
  • No other premises with an alcohol licence in the vicinity had been identified.


The applicant’s representatives presented their case to Members, which detailed the following:

  • The premises had not sold any alcohol to date, the business primarily sold cheese and bakery items.
  • There was no noted evidence for the premises not being capable of promoting the licensing objectives.
  • The applicants were a company run by a mother and daughter since July 2022.
  • Aside from the two objectors, there had been no concerns with any other residents. The Police’s representation had been negotiated and agreed and no other representations from responsible authorities had been submitted.
  • There will be no on-site alcohol consumption, outside seating or public toilets.
  • The opening hours had been adjusted to reflect the planning approval, despite licensing and planning being separate bodies.
  • The area was considered low risk for car crashes, with one incident noted since 2017 which resulted in no serious injuries.
  • The premises attract high end customers and the proposed hours for sale of alcohol was to supplement stock and would not be sold in an irresponsible manner.


In response to questions from Members the Licensing Sub Committee were provided with the following information:

  • The premises will operate a challenge 25 policy.
  • The photos supplied by objectors regarding parking was for cars using the post office across the road.
  • All deliveries were told to be dropped off at the adjacent beauty parlour which is also in ownership of the applicants and has a carpark.
  • The applicants will ensure parking is appropriately monitored, with the area designated noted to be large with an adequate turning circle.


RESOLVED – That the application be granted as applied for, subject to the measures agreed with West Yorkshire Police.


Supporting documents: