Agenda item

Building a fairer Leeds for everyone: The Marmot City programme

To consider the report of the Director of Public Health.


The report of the Director of Public Health.


The Deputy Director of Public Health and Head of Public Health updated the Board on the progress of the proposals for Leeds to become a Marmot City, following endorsement from key strategic partnerships.


The following was outlined:

·  The national Marmot review in 2010 revealed the scale of inequalities in the UK and identified recommendations for action.

·  The need for the programme is in response to health inequalities, to strengthen the building blocks of health, act on social determinants and to recognise healthy life expectancy ambitions.

·  The approach was being developed into policy and was noted to be at a ‘start of the beginning’ stage as the programme is being adopted after cross institution work to imbed the principles.

·  The 8 Marmot principles are; Give every child the best start in life, Enable all children, young people and adults to maximise their capabilities and have control over their lives, Create fair employment and good work for all, Ensure a healthy standard of living for all, Create and develop healthy and sustainable places and communities, Strengthen the role and impact of ill-health prevention, Tackle discrimination, racism and their outcomes. Pursue environmental sustainability and health equity together.

·  The 6 Leeds specific principles that have been developed are; Strategic alignment with the Best City Ambition and the Healthy Leeds Plan, Community voice – working with communities in a meaningful way to recognise the impact of power imbalances on health inequalities,  Building on existing commitments – recognition of ongoing work to address inequalities locally, Whole-city and whole-system – but with specific priority areas of focus, Solution-focussed approach – building on assets and strengths Outcome focussed - Maintaining a city-wide ‘line of sight’ on the combined efforts to reduce inequalities in the local population.

·  The purpose of the report was to open the vision to further refining to create a robust approach before full adoption.

·  The approach works across the social gradient and distributes resources according to need (otherwise known as proportionate universalism).

·  The changes to ways of working to be implemented include, improved capabilities, imbedding a structured approach and working collaboratively.

·  The Marmot approach was developed in response to social conditions caused by the 2008 financial crisis which are comparable to current economic conditions.

·  Work will progress in two phases with a launch event and a partnership event in April 2023 and two partnership events and production of a final report by April 2024, with full adoption by April 2025.

·  The development of the Marmot programme in Leeds will be iterative and shaped as the programme progresses. The specific events being organised will help to shape the direction of the programme and support action across the system.


The Board discussed the following matters:

·  The Marmot programme aligns with the health care system in Leeds, with the role of the health sector to positively influence social determinants noted.

·  The 8 principles are similar to other strategies, both proposed and adopted by the council, which may provide an opportunity for the acceleration of other strategies.

·  The pandemic had shone light on the widening health inequalities and the need for action and changes to legislation to improve healthy lifestyle opportunities. Access to quality housing and green spaces massively impact health determinants.

·  Given the scale of the work and no additional resources allocated to the programme, being in the position to start delivery is positive. A fundamental shift is required given the scale of the problems, the approach is not fatalistic, and the problems noted are solvable. 

·  3rd Sector experience is crucial input as they possess technical experience and can represent the community voice, the people the programme is aimed to benefit. Work can be built on smaller community projects.

·  Access to secure jobs and reliable transport networks are essential to meeting the principles.

RESOLVED – To note the progress that has been made towards Leeds becoming a Marmot City.


(Cllr J Dowson left the meeting at the end of this item)


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