Agenda item

Housing Mix Update

To receive an update from the Director of City Development in relation to the delivery of housing mix.


Members are asked to note that there have been significant changes in the planning landscape since the original Scrutiny Board inquiry, and as such many of the issues previously captured in regular updates to the Board will now be superseded by the Leeds Local Plan 2040.


One of the seven broad topic areas it is proposed the Leeds Local Plan 2040 will cover is housing – “ensuring the right type, size and tenure of new housing is developed to meet the needs of different people across Leeds.”


For that reason, members of the Scrutiny Board are asked to consider this update directly in conjunction with the next item on the agenda – Leeds Local Plan 2040.


The report of the Director of City Development provided the Board with an update following the Inquiry relating to Housing Mix Matters.


The following were in attendance for this item:


-  Martin Elliot – Head of Strategic Planning

-  Sarah Hellewell, Principal Planner

-  Ian MacKay, Team Leader, Neighbourhood Planning



The Board was given an update on the recommendations of the inquiry.  The following was highlighted:


·  Recommendation 3 – Further training for Plans Panel Members had been carried out for issues surrounding viability and affordable housing.  There would be further sessions on conservation and environment.

·  Recommendation 4 – A new Strategic Housing Market Assessment had been commissioned as part of the Leeds Local Plan 2040.

·  Recommendation 5 – Reference was made to Neighbourhoods Plans that had been successfully implemented and others that were in development.  There had also been a commencement of reviews of existing Neighbourhood Plans.

·  Recommendation 8 – Improvements to Housing Mix.  This had become a key aspect of discussion at pre-application stage.  There had been significant improvement in targets but figures were skewed by city centre development which had a lot of student accommodation.

·  Recommendation 10 = Accessible Housing and Space standards.  Information would be published as part of the Annual Monitoring Report and there would be further work as part of he Leeds Local Plan 2040.



In response to questions from the Board, discussion included the following:


·  Affordable housing – there was no set target for the provision of affordable housing but there was an identified need.  There had been an increase in the delivery of affordable housing over the past ten years but not enough to meet the needs.  The Leeds Local Plan 2040 would consider what actions could be taken through Planning to increase affordable housing.  Affordable housing was aimed to be developed on site but where there were site constraints, delivery could be through a commuted sum.  Further information was requested with regards to the amount of affordable housing achieved through commuted sums.

·  Positive impacts of Neighbourhood Plans – these included support in determining planning applications, identification of open greenspaces, identification of non-designated heritage assets, community involvement and identification of sites that could be used to meet housing needs.

·  Concern regarding the effectiveness of Neighbourhood Plans – it was reported that there was in some instances a lack of understanding of what detail was in Neighbourhood Plans and how they could support the planning process.

·  Examples of how effective Neighbourhood Plans could be.

·  Policy H4 did not have set numerical targets but focused on housing need and took account of the location and character of an area.  There had been far more development in the city centre than was initially thought which had affected the housing mix and delivery of affordable housing.

·  Viability for development schemes and accepted levels of profit.  There were recognised industry standards and the council used the District Valuer to provide an independent view on viability for schemes.  Members were informed of the possibility of clawback when developments were re-assessed.

·  Section 106 provision for affordable housing should provide a pro-rata mix for housing mix requirements.

·  Further information was requested on the provision of council and social housing in respect of four bedroom properties.

·  The Strategic Housing Market Assessment would consider local community needs and provide more detail on those needs for the type of housing required.




(1)  That the report and discussion be noted.

(2)  That the update in relation to the recommendations be noted.

(3)  That the content of the Leeds Local Plan 2040 report regarding relevant recommendations included in the scoping consultation be noted and that this Board receives updates on the Local Plan at key stages of plan preparation.



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