Agenda item

Highways- Leeds Safe Roads Vision Zero

To receive and consider the attached report of the Team Leader, Safer and Sustainable Travel



The report of the Team Leader, Safe and Sustainable Travel provided the Committee with an understanding of the recently adopted Vision Zero Strategy and its action plan and also the opportunity to gather input from Members and residents.


Gillian Macleod, Transport Development Services Manager and Vanessa Lancaster, Communications Officer were in attendance for this item.  The Committee received a presentation on the strategy.  The following was highlighted:


·  The strategy had been launched in October 2022 and had an ambition for zero deaths on roads in Leeds

·  Until 2013 deaths and serious injuries from road crashes had been steadily falling. However, that decline has now plateaued and the steady rise in numbers since had led to a rethink and refresh to the Local Authority’s approach to road safety. The presentation highlighted the need for a new approach to road safety and an opportunity to enter into a dialogue as to what the Road Safety Team can do for each area, building on what had been offered in the past.

·  The Vision Zero Strategy and Action Plan was adopted by the Executive Board in September 2022. It is the ambition that no one will be killed or suffer serious injuries on roads in Leeds.

·  Traditionally road safety had talked about accidents, how to prevent fatalities and set out the reasons for accidents. However, the safe system approach now looks at system designs, road user hierarchy and a systematic approach to build a safer road system.

·  Although, there is an encouragement for people to use healthy options of travel such as walking and cycling, these are classed as vulnerable road users.

·  Everyone can assist in delivering a Vision Zero approach by taking responsibility to follow the Highway Code. The Council needs to lead by example and is looking at changes to road systems, traffic management, Transport Strategy, public health and education. Safe roads partnership includes West Yorkshire Police, West Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service, National Highways, National Health Service, Ambulance Service, Road Safety Charities. The safe roads partnership activities include Police Operations and enforcement – SPARC, SNAP, Amberland etc, National Highways, safety cameras. The proposal is for behaviour change campaigns and targeted communications.

·  The Vision Zero Safe System Five Pillars of Action are safe speeds, safe roads, safe vehicles, safe behaviours and people and post-collision learning and care.

·  It was noted that the Highway Code had been updated in 2022 and there were to be new criteria in relation to speed cameras which was being done nationally but Leeds was already in the process of making the changes.  There would be more flexibility with the siting of cameras and areas of emerging risk would be considered.

·  How Members and residents can have an input into helping to achieve Vision Zero.


In response to questions and comments, discussion included the following:


·  Partnership working  which included looking at behaviour change, engineering and enforcement.

·  New operations in place including the collection video clips.

·  Education work in schools.

·  Funding was a key issue and there was not any significant funding input for the strategy.  There was some City Regions Safe Roads Funding and grant funding bids were being looked at.

·  Concern that Speed Indicator Devices (SIDs) were often out of order and the difficulty in getting them repaired.

·  The lack of enforcement of 20MPH zones.

·  Date from SIDs was not collected and they were situated as a visual deterrent to speeding.

·  Increased and improved bus services could help towards Vision Zero as there would be less vehicles and pedestrians.  Bus services were not included in the strategy but there was consideration of bus safety standards.

·  Concern regarding parking on pavements and at junctions which forced pedestrians on to the road.  Legislation regarding pavement parking was currently under consideration.

·  The possible use of Siemens speed enforcement system – this could be explored but would need to be facilitated within existing resources.

·  The criteria for pedestrian crossings was being reviewed.  In locations where the criteria was not met there were other possibilities for funding such as the Active Travel funding.


RESOLVED – That the report and presentation be noted.



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