Agenda item

100% Digital Leeds

To receive an update from the Chief Digital and Information Officer on the 100% Digital Inclusion programme.


The report of the Chief Digital and Information Officer provided an update on the 100% Digital Leeds digital inclusion programme since the last update to the Board in April 2022.


The report included examples of work from across the 100% Digital Leeds Programme and illustrated the team’s work at a city, regional and national level.


The impact of the 100% Digital Leeds was discussed throughout the report and impact was further evidenced by the testimonials from partners and stakeholders that featured throughout.


The report also looked ahead to some of the key initiatives and developments that the 100% Digital Leeds team will prioritise over the coming year.


The following were in attendance for this item:


-  Jason Tutin, Digital Inclusion Manager

-  Amy Hearn, Senior Digital Inclusion Officer


The Board received a presentation.  Issues highlighted included the following:


·  Digital Inclusion enabled people to be socially included and make informed choices.

·  Support for provision of equipment and the understanding and confidence to use online facilities.

·  Support for organisations to enable people to become digitally included.

·  Community based approach – putting the right support in place to meet specific needs.

·  Support available for Digital Inclusion – asset based community development and involvement of external partners.

·  Provision of support in the community – support with skills, provision of free sim cards and lending of equipment’

·  Further issues highlighted from the report included the following:

o  The Digital Inclusion Team was now a core part of the Integrated Digital Service.

o  The role of the team had expanded beyond community work to support the workforce including health care.

o  The role of Digital Inclusion within other Council strategies.

o  Work with older people, people with disabilities and care homes.


In response to comments and questions from the Board, discussion included the following:


·  Impacts due to the cost of living crisis – there had been a noticeable drop particularly in more deprived areas where it may be a choice between paying for wi-fi connectivity or for food and other household bills.  Partnership work was ongoing regarding the provision of social tariffs.

·  The possibility of exploring funding opportunities from Community Committees and Housing Advisory Panels.

·  How Digital Inclusion can tackle isolation.

·  Work with older people to tackle issues surrounding people’s safety and security concerns of using online facilities.  Funding had been made available for this.

·  The Digital Inclusion Team was willing to carry out awareness training with any organisation that could benefit.

·  The possibility of working with the Police and other public services.

·  Work with Leeds Teaching Hospitals Trust – there was no funding LTHT for this but the work would meet shared priorities.  There was some funding from the NHS for other support work.

·  Work to address the loss of hight street services.  There had been work with banks and the third sector to provide digital and financial inclusion support.  There would be future funding available for financial inclusion work.

·  Work with Neighbourhood Networks to enable people to access digital services for healthcare.

·  The use of digital services and apps for public transport.  There was partnership work ongoing with WYCA and transport providers both at a local and regional level.

·  There was no formal mapping process for the Digital Inclusion work but there was contact with local networks and contacts to get an understanding of local needs and organisations.

·  Members were asked to give details of any organisations that would benefit from Digital Inclusion work.

·  Digital Health Hubs work with Local Care Partnerships.

·  It was requested that Elected Members be given details of all organisations involved in the digital inclusion programme and that there was pro-active exploration of council services for funding.




(1)  That the approval of the 100% Digital Leeds community-based approach to increasing digital inclusion across the city be reaffirmed.

(2)  That the achievements of the 100% Digital Leeds programme over the last year be noted and the plans for the continued development of the programme under the leadership of the 100% Digital Leeds team in IDS be endorsed.

(3)  That the oversight of the 100% Digital Leeds programme be continued by providing update reports to the Board.



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