To consider the joint report of the Director of City Development and Director Communities, Housing and Environment which sets out the progress made regarding the acquisition and regeneration of Kingsdale Court in the Boggart Hill Priority Neighbourhood, Seacroft and related to this, provides details of the emerging case for the possible use of compulsory purchase powers to enable the delivery of new affordable housing on the site.
(Please note: Appendix 2 to this report has been designated as being exempt from publication under the provisions of Access to Information Procedure Rule 10.4 (3))
Further to Minute No. 115, 10th February 2021, the Director of City Development and the Director Communities, Housing and Environment submitted a joint report setting out the progress which had been made regarding the acquisition and regeneration of Kingsdale Court in the Boggart Hill Priority Neighbourhood, Seacroft. Related to this, and to enable the delivery of this affordable housing and regeneration scheme, the report also provided details of the emerging case for the possible use of compulsory purchase powers and sought approval for a capital funding injection in order to achieve full site acquisition.
In introducing the report, the Executive Member for Infrastructure and Climate highlighted how the proposal to acquire and regenerate Kingsdale Court for good quality affordable housing would support the three pillars of the Best City Ambition and was also consistent with the Leeds Marmot City approach, as discussed earlier in the meeting.
In response to an enquiry, the Board was advised that whilst all options detailed in the reported options appraisal, including the refurbishment of the properties, were being carefully considered, currently the comprehensive acquisition and redevelopment of the full site was thought to be the most appropriate way forward given the poor state of repair of the properties.
Again in response to an enquiry, the Board noted that given the passage of time, it was now expected that the initial and indicative estimate for the acquisition of the properties, as detailed in the report considered by the Board in 2021, would be exceeded. Further to this, the Board received an update on the progress made and the work which continued on the acquisition of the properties on site, with it being reiterated that whilst the comprehensive acquisition and redevelopment of the full site was thought to be the most appropriate way forward, the intention would be submit a further report in due course with associated recommendations for the Board’s consideration.
Following consideration of Appendix 2 to the submitted report designated as being exempt from publication under the provisions of Access to Information Procedure Rule 10.4(3), which was considered in private at the conclusion of the public part of the meeting, it was
(a) That the progress made by the Council in identifying and acquiring all legal and property interests in order to enable the full assembly of the Kingsdale Court site, as detailed within the submitted report, be noted;
(b) That the capital funding injection, as set out in exempt Appendix 2 to the submitted report, in order to achieve full site acquisition based upon an assessment of current negotiating positions, which continue to evolve, be approved;
(c) That the development of a case by the Council for the use of Compulsory Purchase powers to secure complete site assembly should this be considered necessary as a last resort to facilitate the comprehensive regeneration of Kingsdale Court, through the delivery of new affordable housing, be supported;
(d) That the legal obligations that the Council has now assumed as landlord in acquiring the freehold of the site, be noted, together with the management arrangements now in place to support remaining leaseholders and tenants in accordance with those obligations;
(e) That a further report be submitted to the Board at the earliest opportunity presenting the up to date position with respect to purchase negotiations and setting out the requirements and justification for the potential use of a Compulsory Purchase Order if reasonable negotiations to fully assemble the site fail.
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