To receive and consider the attached report of the Chief Officer, Elections and Regulatory
The report of the Chief Officer, Elections and Regulatory presented an application to vary a premises licence held by R S Mini Market, 121A Markham Avenue, Harehills, Leeds, LS8 4JD.
The application proposed to increase the hours authorised for the sale of alcohol and the hours that the premises are open to the public from 11:00 – 23:00 to 08:00 to 23:00.
The application had received representations fro responsible authorities and local Ward Councillors.
The premises are located in a designated area under the Harehills Cumulative Impact Area.
The following were in attendance for this item:
- Gary Mann, Environmental Health
- Hughin Chari, Environmental Health
- Councillor S Arif, Ward Councillor
- PC Clifford, West Yorkshire Police
- PC Heywood , West Yorkshire Police
- Sue Duckworth, Entertainment Licensing
- Millie Slezak, Public Health
- Chetna Patel, Public Health
The applicant had indicated that they would not be attending the meeting and had submitted some additional information in support of their case.
The Sub-Committee heard from the responsible authorities and Ward Councillor in attendance. Issues highlighted included the following:
· Environmental Health – An objection had been submitted based on the potential for alcohol related anti-social behaviour and disturbance to local residents. These presented difficulty for enforcement work when responding to complaints. There were also concerns about potential waste issues and that the premises fell withing a Cumulative Impact Area. There were similar premises selling alcohol nearby and it was not felt that extra conditions offered by the applicant would resolve any concerns.
· Councillor Arif – There were already various others premises selling alcohol in what was a predominantly residential area and close to schools. This would have an impact during the school run time and would not be child friendly. The area was saturated with licensed premises and the granting of this application would cause more issues.
· West Yorkshire Police – It was felt that the applicant had shown a lack of understanding with regards to the Cumulative Impact Area and Licensing Objectives. There was nothing offered in the application which would mitigate the problems in the area and it was requested that the application be rejected.
· Entertainment Licensing – There was no reasons or measures offered to support the application which indicated a lack of understanding regarding the problems in the area.
· Public Health – There would be a risk to children and research had shown that there was a link to exposure of alcohol to children and health inequalities. The premises were already licensed during school lunch and finishing times and earlier opening would increase existing problems.
The Chair concluded the open session of the hearing before the Sub-Committee went into private session to make their decision. All parties were informed that the decision would be sent within 5 working days.
The Licensing Sub-Committee carefully considered the report of the Chief Officer (Elections and Regulatory), the Statement of Licensing Policy and the representations submitted and made at the hearing.
RESOLVED – That the application be refused.
Supporting documents: