Agenda item

Application 22/02638/FU - Land South of Whitehall Road, Leeds

To receive and consider the attached report of the Chief Planning Officer regarding a Planning Application 22/02638/FU for Hybrid Planning Application at Land South Of Whitehall Road, Leeds, consisting of Full Planning Application for 12 storey office building with Use Class E at ground level (comprising ground plus 11 storeys plus plant) and 14 storey multi-storey car park with Use Class E at ground level (MSCP) (comprising ground plus 13 storeys) and internal infrastructure works and landscaping.


Outline Application for 8/11 storey office building/hotel/aparthotel (comprising ground plus 7 storeys and plant for office or ground plus 9 storeys and plant for hotel/aparthotel) means of access & scale to be considered; and principle of an office building with only means of access to be considered with all other matters reserved.


The report of the Chief Planning Officer presented a hybrid application consisting of a Full element for 12 storey office building with Use Class E at ground level (comprising ground plus 11 storeys plus plant) and 14 storey multi-storey car park (MSCP) with use Class E at ground level (comprising ground plus 13 storeys) and internal infrastructure works and landscaping.


Also an Outline element for 8/11 storey office building/hotel/aparthotel (comprising ground plus 7 storeys and plant for office or ground plus 9 storeys and plant for hotel/aparthotel) and further 11 storey office building (comprising ground plus plant) including means of access & scale to be considered.


Members attended the site prior to the meeting in March when the application was deferred to allow opportunity for all parties to consider the daylight impact assessment. Site plans and photographs were displayed and referred to throughout the discussion of the application.


The following was highlighted:


·  The daylight and sunlight impact assessment document had now been published

·  With regards to Plot 9 the Panel was only being asked to consider the principle of use and access.

·  Plots 2 and 5 were presented in detailed form.  Plot 2 woould be an office building and plot 5 a multi-storey car park.

·  Plot 4 was proposed to be an office/aparthotel.

·  The on-site green space offering had been re-evaluated.  There would be improvements to the paved semi-circle at the riverside and the inclusion of a green wall as part of the multi-storey car park.  There would also be the provision of a park, play areas, and improved pedestrian and cycling access.

·  Bio-diversity gains would be delivered elsewhere within the ward where possible and if not in adjacent wards.

·  The application was considered to be a positive addition to the regeneration of a key city centre brownfield site.

·  More detailed would be given to Plot 9 at the reserved matters stage.


In response to questions and comments from the Panel, the following was discussed:


·  The scale of Plot 9 was not for consideration under this application.  Members would have opportunity to consider this at the reserved matters stage.

·  It was understood that the semi-circle landscaped area would be developed under the application that was approved in December 2022.

·  There would need to be a daylight assessment at reserved matters stage when further detail with regard to Plot 9 was brought forward.  This would be brought to Panel for consideration.

·  There would be a biodiversity shortfall due to the constraints of the site.  There would be an off-site contribution for off-site improvements.  A location for this was yet to be determined.  Work would be undertaken with Parks & Countryside to identify a suitable site.  Ward Members would be consulted at an early stage.

·  The loss of biodiversity on site did not necessarily constitute over development of the site.  City Centre sites expected higher density of developments and there were difficulties providing an uplift in biodiversity.  Off-site contributions could be more appropriate and enable a more efficient use of land.

·  There was still some concern that issues regarding Plot 9 had not been resolved.


RESOLVED – That the application be deferred and delegated to the Chief Planning Officer for approval, subject to the conditions at Appendix 2 (and any amendment to or addition of others which the Chief Planning Officer considers appropriate), subject to resolving the outstanding technical concerns of Highways and Flood Risk Management and also subject to the completion of a Section 106 agreement to secure the following:


·  Employment and training of local people.

·  Publicly accessible areas.

·  Travel Plan Review Fee - £14,977 (Plots 2 and 4)

·  The provision of 2 Leeds City Council Car Club spaces.

·  A contribution towards highway improvements to Globe Road junction - £420,000

·  Biodiversity improvements off-site - £15,000

·  A contribution for free trial membership usage of the car club by staff employed at the development - £10,786 (£13,844 if building 4 is developed as offices)

·  Travel Plan Review Fee & Car Club Trial Membership for Plot 9

·  Legible Leeds Wayfinding signage - £10,000

·  Recalculation of Greenspace at commencement of development if 22/0251/FU has already delivered the riverside park and walkway to the north of the River Aire

·  S106 monitoring fee


In the circumstances where the Section 106 has not been completed within 3 months of the Panel resolution to grant planning permission, the final determination of the applications shall be delegated to the Chief Planning Officer.



Supporting documents: