Agenda item

Applications 22/04079/FU and 22/04080/LI - 7 Duncan Street, Leeds, LS1 6DQ

To receive and consider the attached report of the Chief Planning Officer regarding Planning (22/04079/FU) and Listed Building (22/04080/LI) Applications for conversion of vacant upper floors to Serviced Accommodation/Short Term Lets (Use Class C1) including internal and external works, replacement bin store and new external staircase


The report of the Chief Planning Officer presented an application for full planning and listed building applications for the conversion of upper floors to Serviced Accommodation/Short Term Lets (Use Class C1) including internal and external works, replacement bin store and new external staircase at 7 Duncan Street, Leeds.


Members visited the site prior to the meeting and site plans and photographs were displayed and referred to throughout the discussion of the application.


Issues highlighted in relation to the application included the following:


·  It was proposed to convert the upper floors to provide 10 short stay accommodation units.

·  The building was a Grade II listed building within the City Centre Conservation Area.

·  A previous approval had been given for conversion to flats and this was never implemented.  The upper floors had remained vacant since 2006.

·  There was a shared access to the side and there was an enclosed yard area to the rear which included an outdoor seating area for a basement bar.

·  The inside of the building was in a state of decay.  There were some surviving features including the windows and cornice detailing and it was proposed to repurpose and enhance the character where possible.

·  The Duncan Street entrance was proposed to be used for the upper floors.

·  There would be four rooms on the second and third floor and two larger rooms in the roof space.  As the rooms would be used for short term accommodation, space standards did not apply.

·  There would be little change to the front and side other than refurbishment and cleaning works.  To the rear there would be the removal of a flue and alterations to a fire escape.  Bricked up windows would be re-opened with new windows.

·  The application had been brought to Panel was that it had been allocated for residential or office use in the Site Allocation Plan.

·  The building had been vacant for a long time and residential use had not been deliverable.  The application provided a good re-use of the building and would retain and enhance the character.

·  There had been some objections from adjacent occupants and these had been addressed in the report.

·  There was no opportunity for cycle storage but the area was sustainable in terms of public transport.

·  The application was recommended for approval.


In response to questions and comments from the Panel, the following was discussed:


·  Cycle storage – there was cycle parking spaces across the road from the building and also nearby on Briggate.  There would be secure cycle storage available in the refurbishment of the railway station.

·  There would be direct access to the management team for the apartments via the use of an app.  There would be a security, maintenance and cleaning team based in Leeds.

·  There would be cooking facilities available in the apartments.

·  Members supported the application and the re-use of a vacant building and felt it was suitable for the location.


RESOLVED – That the application be deferred and delegated to the Chief Planning Officer for approval subject to the specified conditions set out in Appendix 1 (and any amendment to or addition of others which he might consider appropriate)



Supporting documents: