To receive and consider the attached report of the Chief Planning Officer regarding a pre-application presentation of proposed development comprising demolition and replacement of an existing shopping centre with a mixed-use development comprising Class E commercial floorspace and purpose-built student accommodation (PBSA).
The report of the Chief Planning Officer introduced a pre-application for a proposed development comprising demolition and replacement of an existing shopping centre with a mixed use development comprising Class E commercial floorspace and purpose built student accommodation at The Core, Lands Lane, Leeds.
Members visited the site prior to the meeting and site plans and photographs were displayed throughout the discussion of the pre-application.
The applicant’s representatives addressed the Panel. Issues highlighted included the following:
· The applicant had a track record of delivering similar schemes and examples elsewhere were displayed.
· There were limitations in converting the existing building and this would not provide future flexibility for further conversion.
· History of the site – there was previously more permeability through the site and the Red Hall building previously on site was the first red brick building in the city centre. The site was within the City Centre Conservation Area and was surrounded by strong heritage assets.
· The character of surrounding streets.
· It was planned to go with a range of red brick tones across the buildings.
· It was proposed to have three separate buildings which would introduce two new streets running east to west. Ground floor space would be for retail use. The buildings would reflect their immediate character areas. The new streets would be parallel with existing arcades.
· Entrances for student accommodation would be in prominent safe locations. There would be different styles of student accommodation within the development.
· Landscaping – there would be courtyard spaces and there was opportunity for biodiversity gain at the site.
· CGI images of how the proposals and street scene would appear were displayed.
· The buildings would be connected with glazed bridges at first floor level.
In response to questions and comments from the Panel, discussion included the following:
· This would be a positive development and the creating of through streets would be an improvement.
· The Headrow façade would refer to the historic feel of the area with prominent corners and a retail entrance to the eastern corner. There would be some detailing to the brickwork.
· There would be more detailing on landscaping at the application stage. There would be opportunity to provide planting and seating areas.
· There would be a range of materials across the three buildings and there would be the use of stone. Members comments would be taken on board prior to submission of the full application.
· The through route to Albion Street was currently quite dingy and there would be a commitment to provide improvements.
· Servicing and deliveries would be via King Charles Street and there would be loading bays.
· Provision of health infrastructure – this would be considered in further detail.
· There would be a 24 hour manned reception desk to deal with deliveries.
· There would be opportunity for community space on the side streets to where the retail units would be based.
· There was still a need for student accommodation in the city centre and this would free up other accommodation for residential use.
· The potential use of materials other than red brick.
· The need to provide a good greenspace environment and best use of outdoor areas.
· In response to questions outlined in the report, the following was discussed:
o Members supported the principle of the development.
o Members supported the proposed scale and form of the development (subject to the outcome of wind testing at application stage).
o Further detail was required regarding the proposed approach to amenity and space standards within the development.
o Further detail was required for the emerging approach to public realm.
o There was some concern regarding the development’s emerging approach to servicing.
RESOLVED – That the presentation and discussion be noted.
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