Agenda item

Sources of work for the Scrutiny Board

To receive a report from the Head of Democratic Services on potential sources of work for the Scrutiny Board.


The Head of Democratic Services submitted a report regarding the potential sources of work for the Scrutiny Board.


The following were in attendance:


·  Councillor Fiona Venner - Executive Member for Children’s Social Care and Health Partnerships

·  Councillor Salma Arif - Executive Member for Adults Social Care, Public Health and Active Lifestyles

·  Caroline Baria - Interim Director of Adults and Health

·  Victoria Eaton - Director of Public Health

·  Tony Cooke - Chief Officer Health Partnerships

·  Steve Baker - Head of Active Leeds

·  Professor Phil Wood - Chief Executive of Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust (LTHT)

·  Tim Ryley - ICB Accountable Officer (Leeds Place)

·  Sam Prince - Executive Director of Operations, Leeds Community Healthcare NHS Trust


The Chair invited those present to introduce themselves and to outline key issues and potential areas of work for the Scrutiny Board to undertake during the current municipal year.  It was noted that apologies had been received from Dr Sara Munro, Chief Executive, Leeds and York Partnership NHS Foundation Trust.  The Chair explained that having recently met with Dr Munro, he was able to relay her suggestions to the Board in her absence.


The Chair also invited Board Members to raise any questions and share their views on potential areas of work for the Scrutiny Board to undertake this year.


In summary, the following potential areas of work were raised:


Ø  Continuing the work of the former Scrutiny Board towards improving access to local NHS Dental Services.

Ø  Improving access to General Practice.

Ø  Workforce challenges impacting on health and care service delivery in Leeds.

Ø  Intermediate Care Redesign Programme.

Ø  Supporting and safeguarding people who live street-based lives.

Ø  Exploring how people’s voices are heard in the health and care system.

Ø  Monitoring progress with the Marmot programme.

Ø  Monitoring the Department for Transport pilot on active travel and active workplaces.

Ø  Progress with the Community Health and Wellbeing Programme in terms of transforming how domiciliary (home care) services are delivered and improved.

Ø  Reviewing the Leeds Offer for unpaid carers.

Ø  Exploring the impact of the cost-of-living crisis for patients accessing services.

Ø  The Leeds ICB operating model review.

Ø  Latest Public Health Annual Report.

Ø  Showcasing and learning from the Health and Wellbeing Board's Allyship Programme.

Ø  Understanding and addressing suicide rates in Leeds.

Ø  Exploring the extent and health impacts of cannabis use, particularly amongst young people. It was suggested that this matter be raised with the Drug and Alcohol Board in the first instance, with a view to providing an initial briefing paper for Board Members on the current position.

Ø  Tackling delays in children neurodiversity assessments.

Ø  Monitoring delivery of the Leeds Mental Health Strategy, including a focus around the Community Mental Health Transformation Programme.

Ø  Maximising local NHS and local authority funding and considering cost sharing provisions.


Another area of interest raised by Board Members related to the use of vapes (or e cigarettes) particularly amongst children and young people.  The Chair explained that this issue had also been raised by the Children and Families Scrutiny Board and the Director of Public Health confirmed that a briefing paper on this matter was expected to be considered by the Children and Families Scrutiny Board as part of its July meeting. It was therefore agreed that, once available, this briefing paper would also be circulated to Members of the Adults, Health and Active Lifestyles Scrutiny Board for information.


The Chair thanked everyone for their contributions to the discussion.


RESOLVED – That the contents of the report and the suggested areas of work, as set out above, be noted.


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