Tracy Brabin the Mayor of West Yorkshire to attend the Council meeting and take questions on the Mayors areas of responsibility in relation to Leeds.
Q1 Councillor Foster to the Mayor:-
Does the Mayor think passenger satisfaction with bus services in my ward of Ardsley & Robin Hood has increased or decreased in the time she's been responsible for public transport in Leeds?
Q2 Councillor Hart-Brooke to the Mayor
Can the Mayor please clarify which areas of West Yorkshire greenbelt land she and her Labour Council Leader colleagues on the West Yorkshire Combined Authority would be happy to release to fulfil the Shadow Chancellor’s desire to drive growth in the economy through enabling property developers to access previously protected sites, relaxing planning regulations, and imposing mandatory house building targets from Whitehall?
The Executive Member (Infrastructure and Climate) replied.
Q3 Councillor Burke to the Mayor
Please can the Mayor outline the steps she is taking to undo the damage of Conservative Government cuts to Policing in order to tackle crime and anti-social behaviour, something that residents in my ward of Middleton Park are concerned about?
Q4 Councillor Newton to the Mayor
Councils in West Yorkshire will only accept waste from their own tax payers, meaning some have to travel many miles to recycle and the strain of that causes some to fly tip. However, Leeds City Council already has an arrangement with Bradford Council to allow its residents to access the household waste site at Otley. As Mayor, will you intervene to look to strengthen your environmental ambitions by getting other councils to allow similar arrangements. For example, so that Morley residents can access the Nab Lane Site at Birstall in Kirklees, rather than having to drive all the way to Pudsey.
Q5 Councillor Stables to the Mayor
Mayor Brabin, as you may know Wetherby Ward is indicated to be getting improved bus services on the current WYCA Transport Strategy. I would like to know when we will be getting these much needed improvements to the bus service?
Q6 Councillor Dixon to the Mayor
How will the West Yorkshire Mayor regain public trust in the Police so as to ensure people’s confidence when reporting incidents in the future?
Q7 Councillor Thomson to the Mayor-
Can the Mayor please provide an update on the state of buses in Leeds and what she is doing to help passengers traveling on them, including passengers from my own ward of Guiseley and Rawdon?
Can the Mayor please provide an update on the state of buses in Leeds and what she is doing to help passengers traveling on them, including passengers from my own ward of Guiseley and Rawdon?
Q8 Councillor N Buckley to the Mayor
Would the Mayor please update Council on tree planting initiatives as part of her pledge to “Tackle the climate emergency and protect our environment”?
Q9 Councillor Golton to the Mayor
Can the Mayor tell us how, instead of improving bus services, her West Yorkshire Enhanced Bus Partnership managed to deliver the longest continuous period of industrial dispute in the bus industry in recent times, and a bus service network that is smaller, with poorer frequency and reliability than when it was set up?
Q10 Councillor Rafique to the Mayor
Please can the Mayor provide an update on the progress of Electric Vehicle charging infrastructure in Leeds.
Q11 Councillor Dixon to the Mayor
What is the West Yorkshire Mayor doing to stop illegal bikes / quads roaming our streets?
Q12 Councillor Scopes to the Mayor
Please can the Mayor update on work with BookTrust to support children’s literacy?
Q13 Councillor Lamb to the Mayor
Would the Mayor please confirm to Council that she knows where Wetherby is in West Yorkshire?
Q14 Councillor Golton to the Mayor
Does the Mayor think a Park and Ride facility should prioritise weekend bus services over car boot sales?
Q15 Councillor Martin to the Mayor
Please can the Mayor provide an update on successes in attracting businesses to Leeds as well as supporting existing local businesses?
Q16 Councillor Blackburn to the Mayor
Bearing in mind the amount of road traffic between North Yorkshire and Leeds, could the Mayor of West Yorkshire explain what she is doing along with North Yorkshire County Council and the public transport operators to enhance services across the border and to reduce the overall level of road traffic?
The Mayor replied and at the conclusion of the time available for questions to the Mayor the following questions remained unanswered and it was noted that, under the provisions of Council Procedure Rule 11.6, written answers would be sent to each Member of Council:-
Q17 Councillor Robinson to the Mayor
Q18 Councillor Golton to the Mayor
Q19 Councillor Dixon to the Mayor
Q20 Councillor Alderson to the Mayor
Q21 Councillor Dixon to the Mayor
Q22 Councillor Robinson to the Mayor
Q23 Councillor Dixon to the Mayor
Q24 Councillor Firth to the Mayor
Q25 Councillor Dixon to the Mayor
Q26 Councillor N Buckley to the Mayor
Q27 Councillor Dixon to the Mayor
Q28 Councillor Lamb to the Mayor
Q29 Councillor Robinson to the Mayor
Q30 Councillor Firth to the Mayor
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